Monday, September 09, 2024

Today Is Monday, September 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Hope all enjoy these bouquet of flowers. This painting is done by MOISE KISLING, and here is some of his WORKS.

Just doing odds and ends. Regular stuff. I'm waiting for package from amazon. And waiting for a page to dry in my art journal. 

Coffee is on.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Today Is Sunday, September 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I got struck by a yellow jacket. Usually, I don’t have much of a reaction. Murphy and I had planned to go up into the mountains for a short hike. I did get my morning exercise in.

Yesterday. I ended up doing two pages in my art journal—this one I did in my art journal class. We first start using only three colors. Let’s see, I used rust, gray, and green. I can’t say I was all that wild about those three colors together. So, a little later on, I used a blank Sharpie. I tried to outline some brush strokes—the person siding beside me. I was using a chain that would be used for a necklace. Well, when she was done using the chain. I dipped in pink paint and dragged it across the page. 

 It reminded me of some of JACKSON POLLOCK’s works.

Here are two of his WORKS Found dragging the chain dip in paint across the journal, relaxing.

Then, on the other page, I did it at home. Well, I painted a background. I have to say, “I was hoping the background color would have shown up more.

Did some automatic writing about why. Here are two of my why questions.

  1. Why is there so much put on money?
  2. Why is there cruelty?

I’m sure none of us can answer that. The piece I glued on. I drew the left-handed objects I glued to the journal page: a wagon, two pieces of licorice, and a wallet. Well, the page is okay. But I might want to give this a try “the why” at a later date.

I stop in at our local art gallery and got these three artist trading cards. Plus I'm linking to ART JOURNAL JOURNAL

Friday, September 06, 2024

Today Is Friday, September 6, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, I went to Sandpoint with Qunella and did some shopping. She bought some undies for three of Lolita’s Grandchildren. It’s been years since I’ve done any school shopping.

Before we went to Walmart, we went to the animal shelter thrift store, where I got some stamps. My budget was $10 for each of the thrift stores, but I ended up spending $20 at the animal shelter thrift store, so the goodwill was skipped.

Today, Murphy and I went to town. First, I dropped him off at the senior center. Then, I headed down to the library to return a book and check out WICKED. My son Bart and his family saw the Broadway play. I also made an appointment later in the month to have one of their techie people help me with my phone. I also got a copy of my house insurance summary.

Well, I’m putting in the artwork from WikiArt here. The word I put in the search bar was “election,” and it went to “elect,” so I took the eighth picture—one of “John Frederick the Magnanimous, elector of Saxony,” by LUCAS CRANACH THE ELDER.

Also, yesterday, Thursday, was the RAIN FRANCES CREATION. Today’s art theme is ‘wings,” so I tried some cubism style. I’m pretty pleased with it. As I said on Thursday, I was tired when I got home. I was lucky to make it up to 8:30 last night.

I don’t recall the last time I linked up ART FOR FUN. This is about an argument my husband and I had ages ago. I forgot about it until I was in a coffee shop with no clock. Plus, I wonder about couples who never had a disagreement. 

I’ve been working on some ATC cards, primarily a dogie set of 6. By the way, I will take it to our local ART GALLERY to trade. I will post the two cards I took on Sunday and the three I got. I’m linking to FRIDAY FACE OFF.

I won’t be posting tomorrow, Saturday, September 7. It looks like a full day.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, September 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

There was no art post today. I have more photos on the thumb drive. Early next week, I will send one thumb drive to my sons. Then, I will start loading photos on another thumb drive sometime next week.

I paid my electric and water bills. I sent a check to the credit card. I couldn't pay it off, but I sent them a good-sized check. I kept enough in checking to live and little wiggle room for those small, unexpected things in life. I tested the paper shredder, and next time we go to the dump, the shredder will take a trip to the dump.

Coffee is on.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, September 3, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Yesterday, I decided to have a lazy day. I did very little, and I don't feel one bit guilty. But today, I got some more photos on my thumb drive. I don't care for this shape of thumb drive. Next time I order thumb drives, I will get something different.

Today, before we went to the senior center, we went to the hardware store and got some caulking and liquid nail polish. Then I stopped in at TEASCARLET and did some artist card trading. I am only showing two of the cards I traded for. There are two of Lolita's grandchildren. When I take part in Friday's face-off, I will post the other one I did. The last two I took in. 

I did manage to unload the dishwasher and wash the bathroom sink. I also stripped the bedding and put on green sheets. Someone here should start a load of laundry. The other thing on my to-do list is going to the shed/barn, getting the paper shredder, and seeing if it works. But the temperatures need to drop.

Today, Wiki's art is called "Divorce." My husband was married before. I married a divorced man. Believe me, I thought of getting a divorce before. Today's piece is done by. WILLIAM HOLBROOK BEARD. His works are under the genre of ANIMAL and CARICATURE.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Today Is Sunday, September 1, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I started to clear out some of my photos on my phone. It kept saying, quite often, "You're Low on Space." So, I've been putting those photos on a thumb drive. For some reason, these are not photos from my phone. But that's okay.

For some reason, I can't access Wiki Art. I think they want me to purchase pictures, depending on the artist.

I did get my bullet journal for September.

Yesterday, Murphy and I visited his cousin Poet and her husband, Rod. They live in Liberty Lake, Washington, which is not all that far from Bart's family—not even 10 miles.

But Bart and I went camping—I'm not sure where. Poet and Rod's home is on the lake, and it looks like a nice place to swim.

We had a variety of talks on different subjects. One was choking, and the device of LIFE VAC was brought up. Some are cheaper and higher priced. Someone looked it up on their phone and said it was only $60. Well, at this time, a $60 purchase is something I have to hold off on.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Today Is Friday, August 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Today’s painting is called “The Red Cow” by PAUL GAUGUIM. Here is more of Paul Gauguim’s work.

I do like a lot of his works. He and Vincent Van Gogh’s was roommates. 

For breakfast, we had fried wieners. To me, that is the only way to eat wieners or bacon. If it is not fired, it can just sit on the shelf in the store.

Murphy and I went to the senior center. They had garlic pork chops. Plus, they had food for a giveaway. This Tuesday, they’re having butter chicken. And then on Wednesday, they’re having to marry me meatballs, which I’m clueless about. But the food there is good. Once in a while, the meals take a slight dive.

We picked up Lolita and took her with us.

We ran back to Safeway. They had a pound of butter on sale for $2.97, so I bought two pounds.

I got two artist trading cards from the state of Ohio. 

I’m taking part in ‘Friday Face Up”. I can’t decide if I want to color it blue, for the sky. Or not. I’m linking to FRIDAY FACE OFF.

Coffee is on.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Today Is Thursday, August 29, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Today's artist is Charles Russell, whose name I'm quite familiar with. He is considered part of the romantic movement. Maybe I don't understand romanticism, but some of these paintings seem hard to me.

Today's piece is called "Wolf and Beaver." Here are some of his works.

We got the kitchen door sealed up pretty well. We're happy with it. I'm not sure what our next project will be. What I would like to do is dig up what I call the royal sunshine flowerbed. I did a little picking up today, and there were some lighter colors.

This is the current page I'm working on in my art journal. At this time, I will add an elephant, door, and clock. I'm sure I will add this to it as well:" There is not an elephant in the room." I know the usual saying is, "There is an elephant in the room."

Coffee is on.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, August 28, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to share any more artwork on WIKIART or not. Well, for now, I am. So I’m going through the alphabet. Today, I used the word “Arabian,” and this piece is called THE ARABAIN by James McNeill Whittler. Here is more of his work.

It should have gone smoother than it did. We needed to adjust the kitchen door. Hopefully, we tightened it up a bit more. Both Murphy and I are tired.

The other three things were done: I started a page in my art journal, started a September and October bullet journal (I should have started that earlier), and just general things around the place.

Coffee is on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, August 27, 2024: This Is What is Going To Happen.


Today's Wiki Art search was "Bree," which is the name I use for my youngest granddaughter. I have no grandson. The only thing that came up was this artist, SAMUEL MORSE. I knew about the Morse code but didn't know he painted. Here are some more of his works.

Today was Qunella's birthday. We went to LORE COFFEE ROASTER, but I will go back differently. Qunella is in the middle, Lolita is on the left end, and I'm on the right end.

The other two went to the thrift store, and I meant Murphy over at the senior center for lunch. Today's lunch was a chef's salad.

Here are the last three artist trading cards I received in the mail. These cards came from the states of New Jersey, Kansas, and Florida. I have never been to any of these states, but my grandma Olive was born in Kansas.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Today Is Sunday, August 25, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I've got my upcoming weekly list done. I'm not sure what will get done, but if half gets done, it will be fantastic.

But now, I will do Penguin, YOU ARE WE. Hopefully, others will join.

1 What household pet most describes you?  The only two pets I've owned are a cat and a dog, even at the same time. I would say a dog. They are great buddies. Plus, most of them love to go bye-bye.

2: What barnyard animal most describes you? Goat, playful and curious.

3: What drink most describes you?  Hot coffee. straight up black.

4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? I would say Rowen. The other name is Mountain Ash. Then I would toss in Hawthorn.

5: What insect represents your life?  A ladybug or a bee. We all need them. I like to think I'm needed.

I'm adding a few links of earth-based meaning from some of your answers. ANIMALS SPIRIT: The animal's spirits handle insects as well. Plus, one can look up TREE SYMBOLS. The last link to use is AUNT FLO DREAMS.

For my wiki art, I'm using the word "Wendy," and when I post about Wendy, it's usually about my third granddaughter. There were only two choices under the name "Wendy." This Wendy is done by Brett Whitney, and here is more of his work.

Murphy and I replaced the seal around the door of our living room. We still need to do the door around the kitchen. It needs to be done before the cold weather hits.

Our leaves are just starting to turn. I want to finish the page I have been working on in my art journal. I need some snowflake ink stamps.

I will check the thrift store during the week.

Tomorrow, Monday the 26th, will be a light day, like the Sabbath.  

Coffee is on.

Today Is Monday, September 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Hope all enjoy these bouquet of flowers. This painting is done by MOISE KISLING , and here is some of his WORKS . Just doing odds and ...