Sunday, July 14, 2024

Today Is Sunday, July 14, 2023: This Is What Happened: This Is What Happened.

 I'm sure the entire 🌎 heard that candidate Trump had attempt on life. I'm far from an Trump royalist. Plus I don't like 👀 any violence. But I do wonder what the rhetoric would of been if the 👞 was on the other foot.

I've been looking at art though Wikiart and Diego Rivera did this painting same year my dad was born in 1904. 

This morning, I went out and picked raspberries. There just coming on. So I add blueberries, 🍌, and pecan to the batter. Plus I do add ricotta cheese. Side of bacon and pancakes top with raspberries.

Going up mountain. Taking my art journal.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...pancakes top with raspberries sound good to me.

  2. Oh my, those pancakes sound so yummy!

  3. Congress person Collins of Georgia has said Biden hired the shooter. It was inevitable. Enjoy the mountain.

  4. Remember what Trump said when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked and almost killed, then you know what would have been said if someone shot at Biden.

    Leaders on both sides are condemning the violence against Trump. I’ll admit I want him gone, but not by violent means. We settle our differences in the voting booth.

  5. Yeah, the rhetoric from his side has been going on forever. I know after one of the school shootings, he said; "Well, we just need to move on". That gave me cold chills. The horrible things he said about Nancy Pelosi's husband, the violence his rhetoric caused on Jan 6th and on and on. I'm sorry someone in the crowd was killed and that 2 are in bad condition in the hospital, I hope they pull through. And the horrible things people on that side are saying about how Biden caused it to happen, make me sick. He even personally called trump, and I know had it been reversed that would not have happened. I remember the Hang Mike Pence being repeated, not only by his supporters, but by him when he said he probably deserved it. Enjoy your fresh berries, they look yummy.
    Sandy's Space

  6. Your correct. Violence is never the answer. But maybe now people will think about gun control. Although as you have had many presidents shot at. I’m not holding my breath. I fear for your children.
    Have a lovely time away

  7. Your pancakes sound delicious, Dora. Do you have huckleberries near you?

    1. Recently, I read an article that said huckleberries are over $25 a pound. I love them but I'm not sure I love them enough to pay that price.

  8. It's a good time for berries.

  9. Political violence is not right.

  10. We’ve only had strawberries so far!

  11. That sounds so delicious!

  12. It was strange, surreal to hear the Trump folk condemn political violence after January 6, supporters wanting to hang Pelosi and Pence, omg I was trying to understand how they flip so extremely just suddenly. Blackberries will ripen soon, maybe by end of July. That's what I'm looking forward to. Love them!


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...