Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Today is Wednesday, July 17, 2024: This what happened.

 Still don't have my lap top. It pain to 📪 from my ☎. I do enjoy adding the little emojis. The other day I used libraries computer and checked my e-mail and copied some paper. I don't have printer. To use our library printer and copied is done by donation. I got appointment for someone to look at my laptop. On the 24th.

It 🔥. 

I checked out a book, from our library. Alice In Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Never read it.

Coffee is on.


  1. Oh gosh, I am with you. I don't like working from my phone. I much rather work on my laptop.

  2. I hope you get the laptop bugs all stomped out!

  3. ...I hope that someone can fix your computer soon.

  4. Alice will entertain you, Dora. Go ahead with her 👍

  5. I like emojis at the end of a sentence or paragraph, but not in the text where there should be words, I find that annoying. I hope your computer is fixed soon.

  6. Alice in Wonderland is a terrific book

  7. Sounds like a helpful library.

  8. Enjoy Alice and her world. She’s a treasure.

  9. I also don't like using my phone for this. Hopeful your computer problem is soo resolved.

  10. Alice is Wonderland is a fantastic children's book, I love it! Valerie

  11. I finally broke down and bought a new laptop. Had to be done. Just got it yesterday. So much of the lagging is now gone. Whew.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...