Friday, June 21, 2024

Today Is Saturday, June 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Going to continue my story from last week, JUNE 14, and I will be linking to RIVERand this week words are This week's words/prompts are: 

1. discourteous 2. flicker 3. martini 4. whips 5. belly 


  1. 1. waving 2. frogs 3. moderation 4. smile 5. louring

I choose to use the second set of words.

Kelly and Ellie didn't move on to the district in the spelling bee. They kept thinking about the old journal and the amber rock. Still, they have yet to tell a single soul. And they didn't speak much of it, just in case someone overheard them.  

It was Friday, about the end of school. Plus, it was the last Friday of the month. It was the community block day. In the block Ellie lived on, the neighbors all get together and have a potluck and a few games at the local park. Ellie is bringing her cousin Kelly as a guest. Plus, Kelly could really kickball. The plan was to have a ball game. Both of the girls hoped to be on the same team. As they enter through the kitchen. The Washing Machine was going. And Ellie's mom, Janet, met them with a smile and told them to get the ice cream bar out of the freezer. Soon, Ellie's dad, Joe, would be home from work. Hopefully, he wouldn't be all that tired. The company has been pushing hard to finish a new set of apartments across Jacob Creek.

In little over an hour, the Nelson family was walking down Prune Street, and the prayer flag on the porch of a blue house with yellow trim was waving in the wind. Both Kelly and Ellie wanted to know when Uncle Terry might be coming for a visit, and Joe wasn't sure when his brother might stop in. This was disappointing to the girls.

Dinner took little time to set up and serve. The food was well-moderated among all the food groups. During the dinner hour, someone commented that the frogs were a little louder than usual. Someone said, "It's getting close to their mating season."

About an hour after dinner, which included clean up, the younger generation went and played kickball. There were enough players for two teams, so the teams were divided between those whose addresses were odd or even.

Yesterday was the first day of summer. So far, June has been mild. Take part in Sky Watch, and here is a link to the SKY WATCH PARTY

My last thing is FACE OFF. I drew two faces at the same time, one with my left hand and the other with my right hand. It was during an intuitive group. Her question was which of the two was the wiser self. I didn't see the wiser person. I may have been stressed and confused.

Coffee is on


  1. Interesting how different those two faces look.

  2.'s nice the neighbors get tother.

  3. I am really liking your face art. Very nice indeed. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

  4. Nice work for the face off

  5. Like the faces! Happy weekend, Valerie

  6. The faces are interesting. I can’t draw with my left hand.

  7. I think you did well drawing with two hands at the same time.

  8. Fun faces and great sky photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I like the faces and beautiful sky pictures.

    All the best Jan

  10. I'm very late for Friday Face Off, but that's how I found your post.

    Lovely sky photos!


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...