Monday, June 24, 2024

Today Is Monday, June 24, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I had a great weekend. On Saturday, I went to my art class, and afterward, I went to Bonners Ferry’s first pride event. I would guess there were 50 people or so. All went well, except some are still unglued and voiced opinions.

First time seeing a drag show. I had a blast at the pride event.

Some people say it is grooming in this area. Well, I haven’t heard anyone being groomed to be heterosexual. Or I haven't meant a person that was groom to be a homosexual.

But over at our local fairground, there are more conservative Christian churches. They also held an event. I drove up on the dike to see what the attendance was. The parking lot was full, so more people went to the event at the fairground.

It’s not surprising that a few protesters stood out in front. One guy had a mic and was preaching religion. I’m not sure what he was saying. Anyone across the way couldn’t understand what he was saying. On the south hill, some guy was holding a sign saying something about “sexual immorality.” Oh, and I pretty much mentioned a small gathering of people with their Bibles. I’m guessing they want to talk or try to save our lost souls. What every?

I believe everyone had a great time. Here is the article that 9B News wrote. Confession time: I would like to read an article or something about the event over at the fairgrounds.

Sunday, Bart, Molly, Claudia, and Wendy came up to go hiking. We went and hiked up to Kootenai Peak. Here is a little bit of INFO on the peak. Murphy and I didn’t make it to the top. I poop out first, walk back to the pickup, and put the laid the set back, and took a nap. Murphy stops the very last little stretch. My son and his wife took us out for dinner at KOOTENAI BREWER. I’m not sure how the rest of the family felt about their meal. Murphy and I split some Nachos. At one time, I would say they had the best Nacho within 100 miles. But the quality wasn’t what it was. Bart didn’t care for his fries. The grandgirls like their food. And had a bite of Claudia’s chocolate cake. Yummy! Very good.

We sold our old lawn mower. It’s gone. Hopefully, I can check out the local writing group this evening.

Coffee is on.


  1. has to be tough being gay in Idaho.

  2. The Pride event sounds like fun.

  3. So glad you enjoyed Bonners Ferry's first Pride event, including the drag show! Thanks for being a good ally to the LGBTQ community. And here's a little secret -- one of the most fun things about Pride events are the crazy protestors and their idiotic signs, etc. They hate it when we go and get our photos taken with them like they're tourist attractions. They understand good-natured mockery when they see it, LOL!

  4. You sure did have a busy weekend and I'm glad you had lots to enjoy!

  5. Good things for your weekend ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. A small start this year for the Pride Event, but it will be bigger next year.

  7. Glad you had such a great weekend!

  8. Pride events are popular here too. Good to see that they are getting a place in the society.

  9. A busy weekend. No one groomed me, . . . no one told me it would all be okay to be true to myself.

  10. Good for you for attending Pride and giving these people a bit of support.

  11. The hysteria whipped up by the Right over the last 20 years is not about Gay. It's about the Right seeing their influence failing. Instead of embracing the change, they do what they always have done, they fight it. Sadly, they have also allowed the Right Wing extremists to take over their message. I call what they are doing "Tyranny of the Minority".

  12. Sorry, but those stupid 'Christian' people really get on my nerves. Glad you enjoyed the pride event! Hugs!


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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