Friday, January 05, 2024

Today Is Friday, January 5, 2024: This Is What Happened.


For exercise today. I walked around the property twice. Which is an acre of land. Got the last bill paid, the water. That cost is $65 a month. When we first went on the water system, which was about 23 years ago. The bill ran about $30 a month. Now I’m waiting for the credit card bill.

Also, send off some artist trading cards down to Texas.

Murphy and I went to the senior center. I wasn’t all that impressed with the meal. Usually, they do have good meals there.

Plus, on Friday, they have a food giveaway. We end up with 3 sacks of groceries.

I started to read “The Little Prince” by “Antoine De Saint Exupery.” I’m not the fourth way through it. It is an old book written in 1943. A lot of people I talk to who read the book. Said they liked it very much. Plus I understand it ban book. At this point, I find it to be a fun book. But they use the word queer. But back when this book was written, the term queer was used in a completely different con-tense.

It has been a little while since I participated in SKY WATCH FRIDAY. I don’t know when these photos were taken. My guess is they were taken in December of 2023.

I pick a page at random from a book I just finished reading. And draw or illustrate what is going on that page. Today’s drawing is from the book ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT’S ME MARGARET? By “Judy Blume,” I will also link to FACE OFF. The cat is recent piece I did, and took it down to our local artist trading cards, along with 8 others.


  1. How long is the perimeter of an acre of land? I guess it would depend on how the land was distributed. (This is just a long-winded way of me asking how long your walk was in miles.)

  2. Too bad the Senior Center meal wasn't that good. The sky looks pretty amazing.

  3. ...that Judy Blume book is being banned in southern states. They sure are enlightened.

  4. I love those photos from your walk. It looks like ti was a beautiful morning. Have a great weekend Dora. hugs-Erika

  5. I love the cat drawing :)
    I have never read The Little Prince, but I do remember the days when queer meant odd or strange. Three sacks of groceries is a good deal.

  6. I am trying to remember when the word, queer, took on different connotations. I do think I remember, gay, changing in the 60s.

  7. Cute cat for the face off

  8. Glad you had a productive good day! Aloha

  9. Happy New Year! Sounds like a good start ... a healthy walk, bags of food, and art projects to work on. :)

  10. Banning books is a scary! Seeing that The Little Prince is banned is incredible.

  11. Back in the day, authors used words like gay and queer totally without irony.

  12. Good for the walking of your land. OMG! $65. Is that just the basic water bill? Yikes. Glad you got some grocies, with the senior center did that here. We live in a land of freedoms lost with the banning of books. I like your drawings and thank you for joining FFO. Have a lovely day.

  13. Great you can illustrate pages of books you read. ๐Ÿ‘
    Have a great year ahead.

  14. 3 sacks of groceries sounds pretty good! :-)
    I also really liked the book about the little prince. I don't understand why it should be a "ban book"...
    I wish you and everyone you love a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year with many more great trips into nature๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ€!
    All the best, Traude

  15. Hi, Dora! The sky pictures are lovely, but it looks wintery for sure! I loved "The Little Prince!" I don't believe in banning books. Your cat is full of life and color. Have a great week!


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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