Saturday, January 06, 2024

Today Is Saturday, January 6, 2024: This Is What Happened:

This morning, I woke up to a skiff of snow. It has yet to get over half an inch or so. I went to town this morning, and it was raining.

My home elevation is about 2,500, and the town of Bonners Ferry is about 1,800 feet.

I went to Art Insight at Wellness Teea Bar before I got my creative fix. I tried white tea for the first time. I have trouble with green tea and some black tea. It makes my tummy twist and rumbles about.

At art insight social. Today’s theme we built was “seeds,” planting seeds that would help one grow into personal growth and progress in life.

I didn’t get my page entirely done. But I will post it this upcoming week before next Saturday, January 13.

I put two creative projects in my bullet journal that I want to finish or work on.

  1. Sketch or draw a picture from the last book I read, The Indian Killer

  2. Finishing up the page, I started about fantasy.

Had to look up how to draw a ¾ view of a human. It looks like I will need to practice. 

I planned to drive up North and stop at the grand opening at the new gas station, STURGEON STATION. And enter in the drawing. One thing that entered my mind was an excellent place to catch COVID-19. Or some nasty virus. No, thank you.! And go into Dollar General and get some AA batteries. They have the best price on batteries.

Then, I would stop at our local library and see if my book from the inter-library program was in.

Stopped in at the store and got a few items. And came home.

The other thing I learned was about art collaborative journals. I will leave a LINK HERE and a VIDEO.

EDITOR NOTE: The video is about half an hour long. 

Coffee is on.


  1. That's quite a drop down to Bonner's Ferry from your home. Is it just one steep hill?

  2. ...and we received our "White Christmas" this morning.

  3. Covid has been spreading here again and Paxlovid is harder to get now.

  4. We are having a little more than a skiff this morning, and I am liking it.

  5. You have a lot of ideas planned! Valerie

  6. We are always happy not to have snow!

  7. You are making the most out of your retirement

  8. It sounds like you've been busy. I'm still wearing a mask when I go out shopping. I don't know if it's helpful, but it makes me feel better.

  9. White tea is the same plant as green tea and black tea (Camellia sinensis ) it's just processed in a different way. I'm not a tea expert but is it possible the shop overbrewed it? You may be reacting to tannins in the tea. If the white tea gave you the same reaction you may want to try a herbal tea. There are so many different kinds of herbal tea, though; you may need to try several. Hopefully your tea room serves herbal tea. I'm not aware of any that have tannins but you'd have to research that if that is your issue.

  10. I am sorry you can't drink all the teas. I love tea (don't drink coffee) and can't imagine life without it. There are some seriously nasty bugs out there, be safe!

  11. I can't draw 3/4 people either, I used to try but they always looked more like cartoon characters. I don't think I have drawn anything for several years now.

  12. That tea shop looks lovely. I do have an issue with places calling it "Chai Tea" , chai is Hindi for tea so their menu actually read "tea tea"...rant over! x

  13. Be careful, I'm afraid Covid is on the rise again. Sigh, I know we're all so tired of it all. Our daughter who made it all this time without getting it, got it over Christmas. Bummer. She's been extremely careful. Her job is in an all girls high school where she's a college counselor. She thinks, but one never really knows she got it from church Christmas Eve, as the lady next to her was doing lots of coughing and not covering, and not wearing a mask. Good luck with your projects. I can't even draw a decent stick person.
    Sandy's Space

  14. We had a few snow flurries today, and the weather has turned cooler.
    I think soup may be in my menu plans ... it's so warming.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...