Sunday, March 19, 2023

Today Is Sunday, March 19 2023. This Is What Happen.


Saturday and Sunday. I usually stop by and read quite a few blogs. However, I was so tired yesterday. I only read part of my regular blogs I stop by. I was in bed around eight-thirty last night. Got up a little after seven this morning.

Murphy and I went to town. We got a few items. His pension comes in on Wednesday, and I get paid this Friday.

We got pork chops for dinner. Pick up dark chocolate Hersey bar. They're on sale for .88¢. So we got one and came home. Split the candy in half. I have been craving apple fritter. But the store was out of individual baked goods. 

I was going to do my Friday day off; count down tomorrow—first-day spring. Well, here it is. Nineteen days will be my first Friday off. Soon I will have both Wednesday and Friday off. 

Today Musisican is GEORGE THOROGOOD, Who is from DELAWARE. The song I like to share is 


Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. If I had a whole bar of chocolate I wouldn’t be able to share it. I’d eat it all myself lol
    Love bad to the bone. Great song

  2. Bad to the Bone is a favourite of mine too. I don't like dark chocolate, my Dad did, but it's milk chocolate for me. But not white chocolate.

  3. Sleep preoccupies some of us older people. 'Dearest, how did you sleep last night'. You had a very good sleep last night.

  4. It must be nice to be able t sleep like that. My wife can do it, but I am pleased when I get 7 hours, especially after a couple of nights of less tan 5 hours.

  5. I love apple fritters. I tried making them myself but they just weren't the same as the store bought ones.

  6. May you have a glorious spring, Peppy!

  7. That's a great song :)

    Pork chops make a great dinner.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

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