Saturday, March 18, 2023

Today Is Saturday, March 18 2023; This Is What Happen


I'm stupid! Only some of the time. Last night instead of turning off the laptop, and should have done some reading in my current book, Song Solomon. And went to bed more at my regular time. Instead, I stayed up watching different star treks. And going through what my ancestors might have read during their time. I will try to read some of the past books that people might have read.

Then I look at books that came out when my granddaughter was born.

Here is a list of popular books from the year I was born. 1960.

One book that caught my eye was KLARA AND THE SUN. It was a book that came out in 2021. The same year my youngest granddaughter, Bree.

My brain doesn't feel safe making any major decisions at this time. So I'm sure not organizing. But I have been going through papers piled up in different spots in the house. Placing things safely in the trash. Which needs to be in there.

It starts to feel like spring. A few spring bulbs are beginning to show in the flowerbed below the front windows.

Some bare ground and other spots are still covered with snow.

I start to watch Saint Barbara, a foreign film. I have yet to watch many foreign movies. It has a subtitle. Sort of like reading a graphic novel.

It will likely be tomorrow or Monday. I will be sharing music. Plus, I will be going through each state of the union and posting about a song from that state of music that came.

I don't know how I will be sharing music.

So far, I have shared art from all countries in the world.

Today's art is from ZIMBABWE.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. We thought our Spring was finally here but we've now got freeze warnings for the next four nights.

  2. Enjoyed the art you shared

  3. Nice art. The weather here is very hot now. Even if it rains, not enough to cool down the heat.

  4. Our weather is so up and down I have no idea what season it is. Yesterday we had extremely hot and windy weather. Today it’s cold and overcast with some drizzle. Crazy

  5. I get drawn down the rabbit hole, sometimes, with best intentions of being in bed on time.

  6. Beautiful art today. I always read in bed, and sometimes I can't stop! Hugs, Valerie

  7. I love how you focus on art from around the world! Thank you!

  8. Still waiting for spring here. It is so easy to get caught up in media of any type and stay up to late!

  9. Ah yes, it is so easy to get stuck on something and not go to bed. I've done that many a time.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...