Sunday, September 12, 2021

Today Is Sunday September 12 2021, This Is What Happen

 Got load going in washing machine. Washing some rug, computer case, and quilt that cats was using. Oh and towels for my car seat. So I thought I would post a blog or lease start one. This is the day I go back though comments and in past step back in blog. Yesterday most of my blogging pals mention something in there blog about 9/11, which happen in 2001. I wasn't even blogging back than, I had plan to go back to 2000, and see what was going on. Neither one of my son was even in High School. Going to Step back to 2016. I didn't post on the 11th, but I did on the 12th Which is five years ago. Are local fair was going on and no covid to speak of. Haven't been to our local fair for last two years. Wish more people in our community would take this virus to heart. I will continue to do my part; void crowds, be vaccinated, wear a mask, and work on my attitude. Look our garden was doing great and got my new sewing machine. After I retire and or during my cutting back in hours. I can be more creative. The bloggers who left comment that day, still blog except one of them. I think lot bloggers eventually migrated over to facebook. I try to stay low on facebook, way to my angry and hateful people there. I stop in this morning and wish two people a Happy Birthday and that will be it, for today.

I really like George W Bush speech he gave at Shanksville Pennysalvina, about terrorist...."There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home," he said. "But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit."....Opinion time....They're nothing parotitic about terrorist, doesn't matter where it from and or the people who is committing the act.  TIMOTHY MCVEIGH was a home grown terrorist and others. 

This is good enough time to take step back though this week, and visit three comments was left on my blog. I give my thoughts on them.

My first comment I will be using is from Cynthia and her blog is called LIFE IN MERLIN and on September 7 she left this comment..."Hope you sore throat is just that and nothing more. Thinking of all vacations my husband and I and our girls received over the years with out even thinking about them, we took them, we all stayed healthy, end of story. Just can't understand them....I had my shots and I barely recall polio. My mom went March of Dimes drives. My sons was fully vaccinated. But some time those who come up with conspiracy theory, just real gets to me. I been watch WORLD CHANNEL  over on you tube, about conspiracy thinking.

Second comment will be from LOW CARB DIABETIC and her comment was "Was sending you healing thoughts and good wishes"...Thank you. I'm doing a lot better.

Third comment will be from DRIFTING THOUGH LIFE and her comment was "P.S. hope the test is negative"...It was. But I want to make sure. I'm pretty careful when comes to covid. But like past post, not third of our community is fully vaccinated.

POPULAR LOCAL dies of covid. He did local auction and was social gathering place for many local. I known people who went out there for many years. A local lady who been going out there for ages and said he didn't look well. My guess and I don't think I'm off much. Hardly any people had mask on. The local auction is place I want to see what is going on. But never made it. And no way I was go to gathering of bunch on maskles and unvax people. 

I went into town and get my paper work, and did some other errands. The local store had rock fish on sale for $3.98 pound. I wasn't going give a mask count, until this LETTER TO THE EDITOR on face diaper. The store was pretty full and 2 of the employees had face diapers on. All so 2 other people and I had our face diaper on. 

Hubby and I got one window trim put on. Sunday is day I got out my EARTH MAGIC ORACLE CARDS and pulled out Love card "All wounds stem from the illusion of separation from Source and all of Creation.  The route to healing this wound is through cultivating love and compassion for every being on this planet, including yourself." Later on I will do my tarot reading. 

Coffee is on and stay safe. 


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Googling ROBERT VICKARYOUS makes interesting reading.

  2. We thought that President Bush gave a good speech too. Our Mom and Dad both remember waiting in line to get the polio vaccines.

  3. Good speech by Bush.

  4. I agree, Bush hit the right notes in PA. He does well as an elder statesman.

    The internet was still relatively new in 2001. I was hanging out at various message boards. On 9/11 my Disney friends were worried about me because they thought I worked in NYC. I changed jobs in February 2001 and was working in a suburban office on 9/11.

  5. It’s not nice that those that choose to not wear a mask make fun of those that do
    The world is topsy turvy these days
    Try to not let the haters get you. The war they are fighting isnt with you. It’s with themselves they just don’t know it

  6. my mind Baby Bush has a lot of work to do to redeem himself.

  7. I didn't start blogging until 2007. Funny to think how long ago 2001 was. How much has changed.

  8. The yellow printing on white background is very hard to read. It doesn't seem that long since 2001, time does go faster when we get older.

  9. Stay safe and have a good week! Valerie

  10. Time really flies. I didn't realize that is 20 years ago. I was still working then. Take care and stay safe.

  11. I hadn’t heard face diaper comment before. Some people…

  12. Most of the bloggers who started back when I did are now gone. I use fb and Twitter but I love writing the blog.

    I have some friends on fb that do not take this virus seriously and call the masks a face diaper.

  13. George Bush is a lot better ex-President than he was a president. I love that he is calling out the extremists.

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I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...