Monday, September 13, 2021

Today Is Monday September 13 2021, This Is What Happen

 Usual On Monday I do a garden type of post. Well hopeful I can few items in about the garden. I been leaves on tree turn colors.

I don't see this being long post. I checked in with my doctor this morning and to see if they any physical side effects with low doze of Lexapro. I have plenty of emotional that I'm having trouble processing. I'm getting line up with therapist this week. To sort things out. I only been on 10 mg of Lexapro since Friday, and we don't think I been on long enough to give give fair about time, see if it doing the job. So she prescribe the 20mg and told me to wait about two weeks to see how I'm doing. Which would be 24 this month. If I feel things are in more of balance on 10mg. I will cut 20's in half. She also brought up possible tranquilizer such as valium as PRN take as needed. Well basically it numbs the thought process and it stifle what one needs to deal with. See, I'm having issue of dealing with Bart brain tumor. So doctor and I thought after I see therapist for a while and it can be brought up again. 

News is on.

Coffee is on and stay safe 


  1. Sometimes it's good to just chill out the mind when the anxiety spikes. I know I hate being anxious when there's nothing I can do about it (even when there is).

  2. Be careful with too much medication.

  3. It’s good that you’re taking care of yourself

  4. Of course you are having emotional issues. I don't know anybody who wouldn't if a child had a brain tumor. That is a very hard thing to deal with. When is the surgery happening? Has the doctor set a definite date yet? I hope the medications help you stay calm until Bart is through it and well again.

  5. Ya just take a call on the medicines. As Liz suggested, it could possibly just in the mind.

  6. I hope the medication helps you! Valerie

  7. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Of course you are anxious. Who wouldn't be? A top doctor recently told my mother that Valium is not a good drug and very old fashioned. There are better drugs now.

  8. You have to be careful with these medications. I personally take a Valium of 10 mg if I can't fall asleep it is not a sleeping pill but only a relaxant. Andrew says it's old fashioned, absolutely not it exists sincee a long time and has still a lot of success when you take it occasionally as I do.

  9. ...with medications it can take time to figure out the proper dosage, good luck.

  10. Good luck with the meds. Definitely give it time to start working but I love how you are very closely watching your own moods and feelings!

  11. I think it takes about 2 weeks for Lexapro to work.

  12. I hope you feel better soon, Dora.

  13. I sure hope you are feeling much better soon.

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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...