Saturday, September 11, 2021

Today Is Saturday September 11 2021, This Is What Happen


Finely got my COUSIN art work hung up in my dinning room. It a print, but I love it. I know people both friends and family who would of remove the popcorn maker, tupperware container, and frypan. We hardly use that frying pan. It needs to go some place else. 

A close up. There reflection off the art piece. I didn't want to remove it from frame. She or who ever does framing does a great job. I know I don't have skill to get back as I got it.

Can't believe it been 20 years since 9/11. At first when happen. I thought my sons but some movie in VHS player and was telling me, we were getting attack. In a very short time, I know it was true. Our world change, but it always changing. All though history we had event that change us. It sad we need or seem we need a brutal event to wake some people up. Which makes me sad and angry. 

Pretty quite day, and I sometime put off my blogging in hoping something would happen. Than I think I'm bless my life quite uneventful. Boring should be top of all of list at times. Did some decluttering Got all my handbags hung up. And help hubby put on the scaffold on back of the pick up. The window trim need to go on back windows. 

Here two event in my community. I would be interesting in attending. But as many know we have small percentage of people who are vaccinated and  general thinking in my community the virus is hoax and all sort of nonsense. Which I'm not going to waste my time blogging about it. Like I mention that Liz only has one working lung, and I would feel horrible if I was culprit that gave her covid and or anyone else.  I doubt I could name 12 people in my county that gotten the vaccine. Glad I got projects to keep my self busy.

Coffee is and stay safe


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I quite like the print. Even if you don't attend the events this time, there will be more in time and you will feel safe and comfortable to participate.

  2. I think the print is framed nicely by the other things left in the room.

  3. I like the new art work.

  4. I too like the new art work :)

    All the best Jan

  5. The art is very pretty and it looks nice in the frame. 9/11 - We will always remember, always, always, always.

  6. That is a beautiful piece of artwork and the dancing class looks interesting, if I had something like that close by I might go. Probably I would have to buy the right shoes though.

  7. Lovely art by your cousin.

  8. I quite like the print.

  9. 9/11 seems like yesterday, to me. So much sad remembering. We're having wildfire anniversary remembrances too here, from last years' destructive Labor Day fires.

  10. It’s hard to believe it’s been twenty years
    I’m always shocked to see what one human can do to another
    The print is lovely
    Yes. It is a blessing to have a life that is boring I like boring and uneventful
    Keeping busy is the key to not going down the black hole of depression

  11. I'm glad that this 9/11 was uneventful. It does not seem like 20 Years ago, I remember it seeming so surreal and nobody knew how many other targets there might be, it did change a lot of things. I do think we should take what happened on January 6 of this Year as seriously as they took 9/11 way back then, a Terrorist is a Terrorist Threat whether Foreign or Home Grown.

  12. Your print is beautiful. You're right to stay safe and not mix with people who haven't been vaccinated. Have a great Sunday, Valerie

  13. I'm glad you got the art on the wall. Now you can enjoy it each time you walk by.

  14. That is a beautiful print, Dora.

  15. Lovely print. We used to have a popcorn maker like yours. Now I use the microwave, but I don't use "microwave popcorn." I have a microwave popcorn container. All you add is 1/4 cup kernals, no oil or anything else.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...