Monday, July 12, 2021

Today Is Monday July 12 2021, This Is What Happen

 Hubby to care of bugs and such. He got stung by something like a yellowjacket. than their was issue with little ants. When doing hummingbird feeder, sugar water was dripped and brought in Ants. Plus hubby planted some beans, bush type.

Went to work and in past if something like this happen to Liz, she would of been more in crisis. She used some of her coping tools. Regis went to Emergency room, he had stomach pain. In past he was on Zofran and he got shot of it. Wednesday, he will see his regular doctor and his stomach issues can be brought up. 

Sometime Hubby and I need to weigh out the pro and cons of staying here. Neither one of social security isn't going to be gang buster. At this time Murphy get $838 for his retirement. And there $149 taken out for his medicare. Look like if I retire around 64, my social security will be some where between $800 and $1,000. So combine income will be around $1,600 So once retire things will be different as what we're charged for our service, such as Medicare. Some time down the road we will be able to get SLMB or something close to it. To rent the average apartment in Spokane would be $1,123. and in Medford it look like it $923. These are one bedroom apartments. We talk about things that we done to home to make life livable to our home. And what else needs to be done. The main thing reason for staying here our house is paid no mortgage. Most years since Hubby retired we got the state STATE CIRCUIT BREAKER

Hubby says he old. He out lived both of his parents by age. His mom was not quite 45 and his dad was 68 years old. So far Murphy out lived his dad by 2 years. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Selling your house would get you something to live on, but would that be worth it? Ants and bugs are such a pain.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Liz, if you sold your home it could give you some living expenses. Don't forget, the feds tax Social Security so that has to come out too.

  3. If you sell the house and invest the proceeds you can create more income.

  4. ...I just did a second planting of bush beans where my peas were!

  5. Not sure about your area but with Nashville being the IT CITY for the last few years and growing way over our outside borders you have to think about things and how you would make it with a move. I was lucky with mine, my home was paid for and when I moved I paid cash for this home. No car note...just the reg things you have in a home. I am retired but I work 3 part time jobs.....the way we have grown, I can't afford to make changes. It has become really hard for the folks that were living in Nashville to be about to afford living here.

  6. You are in a tough situation. If you sell your home, you have money to live on but that won’t last forever. On the other hand, owning a home is tough because of upkeep, you have to mow the lawn, weed etc.., if it wasn’t for my hubby, I would have had to sell long ago because of my joint pain, I simply can’t take care of a home. I am surprised at how little you get in pension compared to the cost of rent. Our rent is high and can be higher than what you pay( unless you live in Toronto or Vancouver where it is just beyond nuts), but alone, I can get about $1,500 or so per month from old age, Canada Penaion and Guaranteed Income Supplement. We can also place our name on for senior housing, a long wait, but they gear it to your income so rent could be $189 or so but you have to pay electricity, heat and cable. If one is a couple, income would be around $2,500 or so per month. We don’t have to worry about visiting any doctor...all free. We normally don’t wait years for surgery like you might hear in the news...that is not true. I have to go for a hysterectomy and will probably be going in the fall. It would have been earlier but, due to COVID19, the most important must go first. Oh and as for meds, when one turns 65, all they have to pay is $2.00 per medicine bottle you need. Of course, there are exceptions, but I would not trade my health care for anything.

  7. Comparing apartment rents to a paid for house, I would suggest staying in your home would be cheaper. You will have your allowances and no rent to pay from that. Plus I don't see a one bedroom apartment being big enough to hold all your things, you have to think of all your craft things, bags of fabric etc and then your husband's things too.

  8. Selling your home is an option for sure. Renting can be expensive, depending on where you move. You have a lot to consider in the coming months.

  9. I would think the only reason to move from your lovely home that is all paid for would be to be closer to family Dora, or maybe to downsize. Hope your hubby has recovered from the mysterious sting 💛

  10. We all have to face this aging thing it is depressing. Here we are renovating our kitchen to enjoy for how many more years.

  11. Don't sell, you can't find anything cheap enough to buy or rent to justify it I doubt. Here where I live, we're told if low income and have a place to live, don't move, for same reason, never find another place now that is affordable.

  12. We are tempted to sell our house in the booming market (it's paid for, but for various reasons it would normally be hard to sell) but then we think, where would we go? Do we really want to rent and be at the mercy of a landlord? Having a paid for house is a big security if one can afford the taxes - unless you have a really good reason to move, such as family considerations. Alana


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

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