Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Today Is Tuesday May 25 2021, This Is What Happen

 I wasn't going to use the word "diet" for my letter d. I had anther word. See I think the word diet means to die of starvation. Well once I looked up word I had complete different look. greek word diater...a way of life. So over at Dictionary dot com. Here their meaning of DIET. It good to look at word before diet, to see what kinda of diet they might be on. The word I use be diet is nutritional. There so many diet out there. My young son is on vegan diet. I try to watch my salt so one could say I'm on reduce salt diet. 

Numbers are same, from last week. Not up or down. let see three things I did correct for healthy life style.

1. No eating after 7PM

2. Didn't bring any sweet in to my home

3. Called Overeaters Anonymous

Now let look three things I didn't do 

1. Hardly did fitday

2. Not enough water

3. lack of movement

So the words I've done for well being is...achievable, balance, and last week word was consistent. 

Went to the dentist, bank and picked up a few things at store. I took the day off and take care of some odds and ends. That can't be done on the weekend. Did some weed wacking around the place. I rather weed wack then ride the riding mower. It need better shocks. But have you every looked under a stage coach and looked at there suspension. I can only saw it wasn't a smooth ride. I just don't see how it could of been.

Just need to wrap up few things, get package ready to be ship back to Amazon. Get list ready for Sandpoint, and do something creative.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Riding mowers can be kind of bouncy!

  2. I always think it helps when you don't bring sweets into the home.

    All the best Jan

  3. The joy of errands...

  4. Die of starvation...hahaha.

  5. Less salt is always a good idea, but there are some things that are just better with a little salt sprinkled over. I never add salt to cooking vegetables, like people did in the old days, but if a recipe specifies salt I will use it.

  6. Dieting is impossible cos i'll put back every pound soon after. i agree nutritional eating is better. I hav given up weeding for now, it s like i can never win. i would like to hav a go on the mower, looks so fun when i see it in movies as we do not have such a "vehicle" here. Never considered the bumps.

  7. ...I have been spending a lot of time working in my garden, I dropped several pounds in the last two weeks.

  8. Sounds like a busy day off Dora, but it was good that you got so much done 🌱🌸

  9. I love how you are taking steps to improve your health. It's an event, rather than a process. My wife has gone on a diet and has lost a lot of weight. I've lost a little bit, not near as much as she has.

  10. That's what my doctor said too. You have to change the way you eat and what you eat. I refuse to diet though. I made little changes to keep my blood sugar lower but I'm not gonna eat like a rabbit.

  11. I made jam this week so sugar is on my mind! It is so hard to stay away from it.

  12. Yes, diet is but a way of ... hopefully ;-) healthy living.
    Yay for the dentist, I didn´t brave up so far.

  13. I find not keeping unhealthy food in my house is key.

  14. No one should "diet", I believe. It's all about the process and you are in a lot of good company (including me) in that never ending battle to live healthy and not feel you are being deprived. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  15. I watched the show "Alone". The last season I watched "Redemption", they had ten previous season contestants who lost back, this time dropped in ten locations to survive alone in Mongolia. The winner's strategy, since he was no good at hunting or fishing, was to gain 70 lbs prior to the contest's start. He won, by surviving almost two months on body fat. The others, came skinny looking good, caught fish and grouse, but lost, nearly starving to death while at it. Not Sam, came fat, limited his movements and won half a million!


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Today Is Friday, May 17, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Our primary is this coming Tuesday, May 21 st . To me the primary is more important than the general election here in Idaho. It mainly ...