Monday, April 19, 2021

Today Is Monday April 19 2021, This Is What Happen

 As I was reading blogs last night, it was super windy and then the power went out. It came back on sometime during the night.

I like to put whirl bird by our trees, last night wind was a little much and two got ruin. But one was repairable. Plus as I was in Sandpoint and I was in the local Walmart and bought four solar lights to go around the place. Known the dollar store also carries them. To my suprise the dollar store was out little solor lights.

Let me share what going on with flowers. My Easter Hyathis flower are in bloom. They could be thin out. Not sure if I will get chance to. My main focus is to get the flower bed that I call "Royal Sunshine" strighten out. I weed around the bulbs that is coming up. Crocus are done for year. At this time I only have on daffodil in bloom.

The hummingbirds are back and we doing the feeder different this year. Yesterday we made up the syrup and the feeder leaked. As I was in Walmart I got simple cheap one. Just haven't had a chance to get photo of new set up. 

Did also get the rain gauge up. Quite a few tree is ready to leaf out and or bloom. Hopeful by next Monday I can get photo of one tree leaf out and or blooming.

Work been little diffucult. Regis is still trying to get his pain medication by manipulating. Pain medication they don't give out like they use to. Found out when I took Regis into the emergency room he never talk to the emergency room doctor about being mental health crisis. He been cutting him self and to find out he was complaining of pain. He been off morphine  for over a week now. He told that the E.R doctor gave him morphine so he could sleep. Then he also telling people when he was in hospital in Courd'Alene they had morphine in one arm and in the other arm they had codine going. None of this is true. When he believe no one is watching he seems not to have any pain and once he feels or know someone is watching he is in such agony of pain. Not saying he doesn't have pain issue. He med seeking. I got done talking to part of his care team and there thinking either subutex or soboxone. It finding a doctor that will work with him.

Coffee is on and stay safe. 


  1. Power outages are such a pain. Those flowers are very pretty but boy, you've sure got your hands full with Regis.

  2. Windy weather makes me nervous. And it's such a pain when the power goes out.

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Things are looking good in your garden.

  4. Sounds like Regis has a very complicated issue.

  5. The flowers and nature are a good stress relief for you.

  6. I'm glad you are helping Regis to get the help he needs. Your flowers are nice and bright, I can't have hyacinths or daffodils because of my hayfever. The hummingbird feeder is very nice.

  7. haven't seen a hummingbird feeder before, your flowers are pretty and cheerful. Your client sounds like he has some pain issue but a larger issue with wanting attention, he must feel so insignificant and wants some control of his life poor man. Hope you can get him a doctor that will work with him.

  8.'s nice to see the spring flowers.

  9. Beautiful floral shots Dora, it's such a shame spring flowers don't last very long 🌷 Hope Regis hasn't got too dependent on the pain medication, it's easy to do!

  10. Hummingbirds haven’t arrived here yet. Such pretty little birds.

  11. I bet the pinwheels & hummingbirds & lights help release some stressors!


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