Monday, February 22, 2021

Today Is Monday February 22 2021, This Is What Happen

 Yesterday after blogging and also yesterday post was on long side. I have three more animal orcale cards to share. 

But hubby and I took quick drive out the game reserve. Sometime we need to change the scence around us. Then he quickly ran into the store and got a few items. I just wait in rig. Don't know why I ask I was wondering about mask. Never seen over 50% of our local population have mask on. As far as his own observation only he and anther person had mask on. Clerk that check him out didn't have one on either. It Sunday and God protects you more Sunday, that is correct.

Today I seem to be stuggling with depression, how I'm feeling. I feel like calling my employer and quitting. I'm just plain burn out from my job. But I know better then to do thing in haste and make any major decision when one under the weather. It shall past, and I can still mange and function. 

I know this might come around as being ungrateful and little on envy side. I should be right down thankful. But my client get all these services and lot of them ends up hindering them. It not set up to get them more on there own. Statement time...I do like my pay check. But here the thing this is how I look at it. If I accidently or purposely spilled something on floor, no one is going to come and clean it up. If I didn't get broom out and dust pan it would just set there. Any other part of my life physical, mental, and emotional. Had to get dust pan and broom clean up, or what every tool I need to fix it and move on. 

During the news I been binding up fabric strips so I can continue on with crochet rag rug. 

Not sure what right and left means when to spirit world.It has something to do with totom. 

Left was the wolf. And I'm going to take three key words and play with them Loyalty, Enduring, and Cooperation. To me loyalty and honesty goes to gether. If you don't have both you can't have either. Not saying eveything goes as I want it or it should. But cooperation of all parties things moves along a lot smoother. Enduring is pretty powerful and some has easier time enduring what toss at them. As for contrary of this card. Is someone influencing you to leave your path. I would say at present time burn out from work is. But making major choice in life when your under the weather can end up being worst in long run.

Right was the raccoon. And going use three keywords for this card. Curious, Shy, and Secert. There so much world I mainly want to experince, sure doesn't sound much like depressed person would be wanting to do. I would use word shy but I need certain percentage of my life as me time. I believe it call intervert. Since blogging came into my life. All can read my secert. I gues one call it my dairy. Dear Diary______________________-. Now for Contrary Have you been tempted to steel or decieve. If I have I don't see it. And I'm a very honest person. 

This last animal spirit card for the time being. Nothing or don't see anything coming rest of month, a lease. This I drew for what call "you" Three key words is good luck, Heighten Sences, and Patience. I don't think I have any more luck then any one else in world. Or heighten sences. But I learn to go with flow, and work with those around me. Fighting with life just ends up being frustrating. Contrary is "Do you feel like pulling into your shell" The direct answer would be yes. I just don't want to go to work. I couldn't ask for better clients. 

Weigh in and well being Tomorrow 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. I do like that moose statue and your cards too. Yes, don't quit your job in haste, take the money while you can.

  2. We’ve been living with COVID for a year. Nothing seems normal or right anymore. I think we are all feeling the effects.

  3. Hope you feel in a better mood soon.

  4. The sea turtle is my spirit animal. Slow and steady and knows when to pull his head in, just like me.
    I'm sorry to hear you are a bit depressed, it happens when you always do for others but then have to always do for yourself as well. I get tired of cooking and cleaning sometimes because I have done it all my life, for myself, then for husband and kids, then for others and now again just for myself and sometimes I wish someone would do it for me instead. It passes and I get over it, just like you will. I know you are strong enough.

  5. Depression is not funny. And in my case no meds helped, but workout, being outside... Hope you get over this, and soon...

  6. we call depression 'the black dog' I think you have a lonely job where you are responsible for someone elses welfare and it weights heavily. If you were able to grow stuff and tend a garden it would be good for the soul. I hope the feeling passes. Going out with hubby for a change of scenery was good.

  7. ...I love the moose!

  8. I hope you feel better soon. February is a mean grey month.

  9. It is good to talk about how you are feeling. You are voicing the feelings many of us have. It has been such a stressful time. I hope you find something you enjoy to help with how you are feeling. If it doesn’t pass, a trip to the doctor may be in order. Take care.

  10. I think we are all suffering with depression...of some sort. With this past 12+ months & what we've gone thru, it's understandable.

  11. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling a bit down Dora, sometimes life can seem a bit unfair. Hopefully tomorrow you will feel a bit better about things ✨

  12. If it can help you, there are so many people in the whole word who are feeling down and depressed ! It's just the whole situation with this Coronavirus we don't have a normal life anymore !

  13. Some days, some times are just hard. It gets irritating to deal with people who don't take care of themselves. Do something for yourself when you can.

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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...