Friday, February 05, 2021

Today Is Friday February 5 2021, This Is What Happen

 Thought I would post a little before I head out to get my second shot for vaccine of covid. One side of me is excited to get done. Then the other side is anxious of side effect. I heard second part is worst then the first one. I guess since we're on covid thing. We never should of got to this place with the pandemic. 

Did mange to get Artist Trading Card completed. Still working on my kitchen or food serious of cards. This one above is from letter "K" going in or out the kitchen restaurant. 

Not sure if I posted my embroidery quilt block as part of PAINT PARTY FRIDAY or not. Like a lot of my creative project it slow going. Like I said having a job puts a damper on my creative life. But I like bills paid, food and shelter. 

Not sure how I feel or exactly what my opinion would be. On seeing creative ad projects on social media. I look at them and think to my self. "I would like to take part in that" then I come to realization of reality. That I still need and want to show up to work. I been seeing ad from MAKER BEE HIVE  and some of the creative project they offer. One of them is Paper doll work shop. Ten dollars isn't the issue but time part is. Her CLASSES sound wonderful.

A little snow came in. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. You'll do fine with the second shot, we know you will!

  2. Lovely work today for PPF! Will see how you get on with the shot. We are waiting patiently in Canada for more vaccines.

  3. But that's the fun of craft projects. It's the doing. The longer they take, the more fun they are.

  4. So glad you got vaccinated. We are no where near getting the vaccine where I live. Wonderful art too.

  5. wife and I are scheduled to receive our first dose on Tuesday.

  6. I hope your second shot doesn't give you any more trouble than a sore arm.

  7. I have never heard of real side effects. Anyway you have no choise. I don't know when it's my turn as usual there is a mess here ! They just finished with the retirement homes and the medical staff !

  8. I hope you do the crafts you are craving - even if you maybe stay up late for an hour to fit it in, creativity is so good for us. When I paint I usually get up really early in the morning as I can't get into it if people are around and then I work lates so too late in the evening for that - it would be good to just be arty when the mood takes you though like you I have to pay the bills, especially just now with two of the three men in the house out of work :) I can't embroider, haven't the patience and am clumsy with my hands so admire your neat work.

  9. So glad you got the vaccine. I should get mine by the end of the month or early next month if the rollout goes according to plan. Stay Safe.

  10. My brother got his first shot. He's in Idaho and I guess you guys are doing 65 and older now. We start on that here March 1, so that's when I'll try to sign up but our county is having amost no shot clinics so I doubt my chances are high of getting in for a long time. We do have tons of anti vaxxers in this county so that might up my chances.

  11. Congratulations on getting vaccinated! But stay alert and and continue to take care. It's not over yet, unfortunately!

  12. Love your embroidered one. Good luck for your second jab. We have had our first one this week as we are over seventy.

  13. That's great you've finished the 2 shots, Dora. I hope the second one went fine for you. The Husband and I have to wait until our doctor's office is ready to do our age group. We're retired and in no hurry. I hear you about finding time and having energy to create fun stuff while working. It's only since I've retired that I can. Hang in there.

  14. Your horse is beautiful Dora! I hope your second shot goes well!

  15. love your embroidery horse. :)


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...