Thursday, December 24, 2020

Today Is Thursday December 24 2020, This Is What Happen


First day off and I forgot the kitties treats. There is some wet food for them, so that will end up being the treats for them. Will go to town on the 26th. 

Finished up embroidery a horse, on block I am working on for Granddaughter. For eye I did what is called "French Knot" and had to little reviewing on how to do it. Now I'm on to Bridle and saddle. 

It does seem strange not going to see one my children for Christmas. Last Christmas hubby and I was flying to Medford Oregon. So glad a vaccine is here. 

Hubby and I was shopping Wednesday Morning and in one aisle there was gather of unmask women with there children. As we were passing them. I heard one say to the other. How long have you been in town? Her reply was "A week". Look like a upcoming possible Christmas gathering  Both stores was pretty packed up and still plenty with out mask. Confession...I been more depress then going though this covid adventure, but I mange to make it though 2020. Simple I kept my self occupied. 

It been a while since I pulled tarot card, and the one picked was "King Cups" and from listed of possible question in book of "Tarot for Dummies"...Question time...Might you manipulate others though their feeling? I had to google this question to get a better understanding of it. One common one is bully making other feeling scared and or fear of them. My father made me or I let my self feel like inadequate person, and will catch my self apologizing for just being, and doing nothing and no reason to offer apology. 

Some nights ago I had strange dream...I was art class and the teacher desk was up front and had long tables with chairs, non folding. Our backs would of been against the window. The desk had table easel with canvas about 14 by 20 inches. Only two of us was in class room the teacher and I. I painted my picture of abstract object and it had mostly blue colors. I left the class room and came back to get my painting. There was this other female now in room. As I was about ready to grab my painting. She grab it and toss it under the teacher desk and looked at me as I was repulsive. The teacher told her it was my painting. I then said to her. "I'm sorry we got off to bad start" I then woke up and start to think about the dream. I was apologizing to someone who showed no respect to me as person. 

Coffee is on and stay safe. 


  1. I have a friend who keeps apologising, always feeling like he needs to and not having much self esteem. I keep telling him he is allowed to have his own thoughts and feelings, he is allowed to say what he thinks, no need to apologise. He is making progress, but it will take a lot more time.

  2. ...this pandemic will last forever if people don't start to be the right things. Stay well and be merry!

  3. Dreams can be strange sometimes. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  4. I like your idea of keeping ourselves occupied to get through things instead of getting depressed. Merry Christmas!

  5. Keeping occupied and time filled is very important in these time...otherwise we'd go nuts.

    Happy Christmas to you and yours Dora

  6. I wished all these year end festivities would be over ! No fun in lockdown times !

  7. Seasons greetings! Re the coronavirus vaccine: it'll be good to have but please note that you should/will still need to wear a mask after you've been vaccinated:-

  8. What I'm afraid of is when some start getting the vaccine but then everyone (we have a mask mandate in New York State) will think it's over, and throw the masks and social distancing away prematurely. And then we'll have still another explosion. I don't do dream interpretation but I think the message of that dream is pretty clear. I'm glad you are working on it. Please continue to do what is right and stay safe. It's so hard, but necessary. Alana

  9. Oh my, the French Knot. I have had issues with the French Knot. So many issues.


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...