Monday, November 09, 2020

Today Is Monday November 11 2020, This Is What Happen

 Just did a little more straightening in the larger spare room. Found a couple of tops I got and actual never wore. So I am going to try them on. Nothing this time to the thrift store. 

Second day with Fit day and recording what I ate. Both days I was over my calorie count, and I will get back. A lease I am recording what eat. The official weekly weigh in tomorrow.

Work was pretty uneventful, took Regis to Sandpoint and only spend about hour and half with Liz. I'm planning to spend the day with Liz tomorrow. Wednesday I will spend my day with both of them, hopeful we can have a craft day. 

This morning I actual did some exercises and stretches. 

Stay Safe and Coffee is on


  1. It gets harder and harder to lose weight and keep it off
    I hope you get some crafting done. It’s great for keep your mind off food

  2. I have the same problem when i look into my closet. Bgt tops that I thought I would wear but never did, and never have for a few years already. Time to send to the recycle centre I think.

  3. I do yoga gymnastic every morning during 10 min then I am OK for the day !

  4. Good to exercise regularly

  5. Exercise is a good habit to get into!

  6. Please send unwanted pounds to me. My medicine kills my appetite and I need to gain some weight.

  7. I've been taking old shirts and setting them aside as fabric. I plan to make some more masks, and I'm going to cut those down.

  8. Hope your tops fit! It is a nice surprise to find things you forgot you had.

  9. I call it "closet shopping" but I think I'm fresh out of stuff to find in the closet. I really do need to go through everything, but I keep putting it off. Alana

  10. Stretch And Hydrate - Be Well And Smile More


  11. I tossed a couple of my wardrobe items into the box for the thrift store. I bought them from a different thrift store years ago and only wore them once and found them uncomfortable, so it's time to let them go now.

  12. Keep up the good work Dora, those stretches are a brilliant start ✨

  13. Any start is a good start! :-)

  14. I love rediscovering old clothes.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...