Sunday, November 08, 2020

Today Is Sunday November 8 2020, This Is What Happen

Plenty of celebration and sadness happening in the United States. We will have new President in White House. Joe Biden is our 46 president. I am so relief that Trump doesn't get anther four years. Usual I refer Trump as "King Donnie The Idiot" and not sure how many of you have facebook account and I saw the post of changing of President and there posting, which I won't get into. I post over on my facebook page I wouldn't post or share any political leaning post, until the 20th of November. I guess this is about good time as any to leave a link to my FACEBOOK PAGE  if your member and wish to send me a friend request.

Let getting on with changing of President. Around my neck of woods there a lot of Trump supporters and lot my maternal side leans toward conservatism. As you drive from South coming into Bonners Ferry there is sign saying "Trump Country". To me it an eye sore and not welcoming sign. But it keeps the population down and it only tracks certain clientele. It looks like 1,220 people here went the polls and voted for Biden and 4,939 vote for Trump, and there local people here saying all those Biden votes are fraudulent. I am one who vote absentee and still with absentee votes Trump got 2,455 with Biden 978. There a couple of local groups which I don't hardly visit. But if someone disagree with policy of Trumps, and I am sure they will be policy of Biden I won't agree on. But if you disagree with Trump, a lease around here they call you a Trump hater. Statement time...I actual feel sorry for the man. In my honest option I think the man is derange and mental unstable that he needs to see a psychiatrist. And someone of different thinking or ideals he would use the term "enemy of people" Sound like something from the McCARTHYISM I like the part when Biden mention the Trump supporters are Americans. Trump never tried to bring us together. I recall at one of his rally he mocked a disable person. 

All though the far right is saying the democrat's cheated, do they actual mean all. Do they real believe there man Trump would get 100% of the popular vote. Yet there never been a president that carried all 50 states. FDR carried all except Maine and Vermont, Alaska and Hawaii wasn't in the game yet. Nixon lost Massachusetts, and Regan loosing Minnesota. It reminds me of my horse show days. What every your horse breed might of been or color. They were all honest. I can recall people saying those dam people with Morgan they are so underhanded. you would never find a person that own a Arabian horse behaving like that. Sort sound political to me. Confession time...I sort of have a negative perception about Christianity and there members, mostly the evangelicalism. 

Now what I really hope happens and it will help the country heal. That Trump sneaks off to Russia or some place that the other country won't send him back. Then maybe those who was following his cult, and they can see what sort of person he was. But next thing I hope they have to phyical haul his ass out of the white house, in a straight jacket and put him in Water Reed INPATIENT at Behavior Health. 

If I even came close to behaving as Trump did my world would been flipped up side down and I doubt I would even know what hit me.

I am so relieved that Trump is not our president...I know he is still it until January 21st unless he skips out and that won't hurt my feeling. 

Before Biden comes in, Some one like high priestess should sage the entire white house. Could you image the jo jo juices trump leaves. I will bet there not good. 

This morning I step on scale and numbers weren't good. Although they been worst. Honestly thought I could keep my health trail going, without recording anything. I see plainly I need to record what I eat. So it back to FIT DAY. My left hip is giving me issues, sometime when walk my hip feel like it pushing forward and popping out. Haven't gone to ground. So I look up exercise for the hip. 

Today Hubby and I took a trip to Walmart down in Ponderay. Nothing exciting was bought. 

Question time...What is something your afraid of but never actual experience....When I was little I was scared of the wind. And I never had a bad experience with wind. The other two thing I am afraid of is...When I go into a store and see someone with a side arm (gun) I am little on edge and I wonder if there stable enough to be carrying a weapon. I have never had dodge bullets or had a gun pull on me. My last one would be. Actual being thin. As most teenagers makes poor choices and for some reason if I was thin I would make those teenager choices. Let get real most teenagers aren't the best of make choices. Not saying as we age every so often we mess up. 

Over Cast and it clear up as sun was sitting around 4PM

Stay Safe and Coffee is on


  1. Gosh you better see about that hip.

  2. I am glad Trump is voted out but he doesn't want to leave the White House, so I suspect he may have to be forcibly removed. I agree he is somewhat mentally unstable and I believe part of that is because of he was raised to be greedy and selfish with his parents always paying to get him into colleges and paying to get him out of trouble, because he is immature in his thinking. I refer to him as The Big Spoiled Baby. I hope with all my fingers crossed, that Biden can now begin to bring your country back together, a United States again instead of the Divided States Trump made.

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Haha. Trump Country keeps the population down. It probably does. I'm a little afraid of Friday the 13th. Nothing bad has ever happened to me but I am cautious on that day. We have one this week.

  4. Yes, he is mentally unstable, glad he will be gone soon, even here in Germany I am sick of seeing him in the news. Hope it does not do any more serious harm.
    Afraid of wind? That is new to me. Here it´s height and heat, not much better, huh.

  5. are much too kind, I will NEVER feel sorry for him and his supporters!

  6. I agree that Trump has many mental issues. I don't think he will concede gracefully but it would be nice if he did. My brother who is the conservative said he has this one last chance to act bravely and concede gracefully for the good of the country but doubts he will take this chance. I had a big relief come over me, like a darkness lifting, when I heard that Biden won.

  7. Humans are just so mean, we do hope that stops.

  8. I can't feel sorry for Trump. fist time in his life that someone didn't bail him out of trouble.

  9. Oh, he is deranged. Too bad his followers don't see that. Of course, much of the donating to his fraud fund is to pay off his debts. . .

  10. I think Idaho and Oklahoma may be tied for the most trump loving. I hate the man and everything he stands for.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...