Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Today Is Tuesday July 28 2020, This Is What Happen

This morning I meant my friend Quenella at Under the Sun. Got our coffee and two of her friends meant us there.
Majority of people had no mask on. So that main reason we went over to Georgia Plaza. The strange thing one lady join us, I went to JR high with her. NORTH PINES JR HIGH but now there known as Middle School.

I was the only one still in work force. Quenella only time I known her to work out side of the home when she was in college. Her husband Michael worked building bridges until he got injured and went on disability. 

Decided to take three days off at end of July and August. My retirement will be what it is. But looking back there a few choices I should of made different. Hindsight is always 20/20 
Not saying I am brain or thing like that. Or I am Ivy league material. I believe if I had different childhood. supportive parents, mainly my dad. I could of got an education or found a skill and became a union member. Instead of my entire life making minimum wage or slightly above it. Now I'm slightly under $15 and hour. I honestly don't think I will for next three years get a fifty cent more an hour raise.
Not sure what will come first. I have no desire to work at job until I am 70. It depends on my health and aches and such. When I will retire. Here the plan if I am still able body. At present time hubby social security is $818 and they take out $135 for his medicare if I didn't work. We could get help with his medicare cost. 
Once I figure my social security is going to be same as my husbands. And there is cost living usual it less 3% a year. So let call it 1.5% a year. So time I am 63 my hubby social security monthly income should be around $879.00. If my social security income is above $792 when I am 63, there a good chance I will retire. Regardless I will retire at 65.
We do have a little save back. The house we own is paid, and my job working with low income I learn a lot about different services. One is circuit breaker for property taxes, for low income seniors, widow, veterans, and orphans. Then possible chance they won't take the medicare cost out of our retirement check.
If your under a certain income level and also assets at certain amount. Your home doesn't account. Since we have a home that we own. The money they would of taken out of our medicare wouldn't be. But we would still have to pick up the 20% of what medicare doesn't pay. They have their own set prices. Let say medicare set a certain medical procedure at $700 our cost could be $140. Actual our medicare for our senior and disability isn't bad program. I only wish they would expand it to all Americans. We all pay a certain percent out of our income. I am thinking 1 to 3 percent.
Then there the state program and unless Trump guts them to bare bone or nothing. Then there SNAP ( Supplement Nutritional Assistant Program) At present time one assents needs to be under $5,000 for SNAP which includes cash on hand, bank account, stocks, extra property, ( your home doesn't count) extra vehicle, (your main transport vehicle  doesn't account) and recreational vehicles. 
We're a long ways for qualifying for SNAP. I know we will get energy help which they will put a certain amount of grant money on our heating company.
I have some long living gene. I have over 10 relatives that made it past ninety, one Aunt died at 102, and two of my aunts are in there 90 and still kicking.
Confession time....Knowing there a strong possibility as senior I will be on some type of dole, it embarrassing. 
Then there was ceramic shop I didn't make that much, time I paid rent, insurance, power, restock supplies and repairs. On good day I would come home with $20 in my pocket. I thought of reopen a shop in our basement once I retire. The over head won't even be close to what was. It could be operated as a part time business and also the over head would be quite a bit less.  I still have all of my equipment for ceramic shop.
My husband is far from dumb. But for 50 years he smoked marijuana and lot of job gives you a drug test and the tree farms usual didn't. I don't yell all the loud of his marijuana use. I did my powders and drinked. 
 There not famous for wages. He did enjoy working in trees. 
When our sons was little I stayed home and the wages I would of made would of just go to daycare. So there blank years in my social security.
A short time right out high school I lived in Washington, non right to work state. Idaho is a right to work state and usual the wages there is lower. Might as well say non union support.
Both Murphy and I are real good handling money. Even with low income we still save a little for raining day.
Fingers can be pointed both ways and at our own self.


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Why be embarrassed? You and Murph have paid taxes during your lives. That is partly what taxes are for, to support those without a lot of money when they are older and no longer working.

  2. Many don’t own their own home you did well. And now weed is legal in many parts can’t be that bad.

  3. I agree, no need to be embarrassed, you paid in so nothing wrong with paying out to you.

  4. I remember Jr. High also. It makes more sense to me.

  5. I have caught myself saying "middle school" instead of "junior high" for my schooling (it was junior high when I was there), but I've gotten accustomed to "middle school" as that's where I work with those ages now.

    "Right to work"? Sounds like a euphemism to me. Keeping wages low helps the rich stay rich. It's time to go back to the taxing ways of the 1950s.

  6. Hope you enjoy your short vacation and, when the time comes, that you'll be able to enjoy your retirement.

    And totally re hindsight being 20:20. There are many paths in my past I wish I hadn't taken too. But there also are a number I'm grateful that I opted for.

  7. It surely is a blessing to own your own home. I know maintenance is inevitable but at least you'll always have a place to stay.

  8. I can see you have a lot on your mind at the moment Dora, it can be quite worrying as we come get to a certain point in our lives. Hopefully all will work out well for a happy retirement ✨

  9. We got help with the utility bills this year. Every little bit helps when you're on a fixed income.

  10. It seems to be a very complicated system.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...