Thursday, July 09, 2020

Today Is Thursday July 9 2020, This Is What Happen

Learn a new term, Misanthropy. And reason was I was reading a little on WC Field. At first I actual thought he was an donkey.
But after a bit I felt sorry for him.

The other day Murphy and mine youngest son called. Not sure this weekend or next he is coming up. Although not sure which combo is coming up. Just him and his father in law plus the oldest.
Or this combo him, the wife and the two girls.
I like to see all four of them.
I am starting to think he might be camping and hiking every weekend. She staying home. Maybe they want it this way. It not my place to be involved. Is short term it none of my business.
I seen a few of my male cousin buy hunting and fishing gear go into debt. And there wife has nothing.  Male chauvinist pig.
Usual they have nice home,new cars and such  Opinion time...I think it act anyone want to world to see there life is perfect I wonder what in closet.
But like most thing we never know the entire story. We're lucky if we see two thirds of it.
Plus his home central air is having issue. A.C isn't a big thing here.

Regis and I went to Spokane and he want to blow $100. Well he did and got some models. One stores we were in they had model rockets. When the boys where still at home, we did a few ROCKETS and shot them off.
Actual I enjoy building and shooting them off.
For models I believe I would like rockets and diorama.
I did stop in at ART SALVAGES in Spokane. I will return only got a few things.
Entire trip I spend less $15.00

Slowly got a little bit of cleaning on my dresser before I went to work. Toss away some panties. A great healthy day. Got my water in and stayed within my calorie goal, and mange to get a little walk in. Doubt I will get my 7,500 steps in.

Coffee is on


  1. Art Salvages sounds like my kind of store. I have an outdated browser so I couldn't see what kind of products they sell.
    I'm working at being not so judgemental. I've gotten better at not jumping to conclusions. So, I think. I'll take my coffee black, please. :-)

  2. Misanthropy is a great word. The verb form, misanthropic describes me quite well. It means reserved, solitary, reclusive and I am all those things.
    Glad you had a healthy day. I need to catch up on my water drinking, I've been out and about all morning, so I don't drink anything while I'm out because then all I do is run from one toilet to another. I save my water drinking for when I get home.

  3. Had to google misanthropy, a new world for me. Got it mixed up with misogynist. Back to school for me. Good to hear you are within your caloric goal. I sometimes get 7,500 steps in when I go for my walks

  4. I like the new word you shared.
    For me, and my heart meds, I can get dehydrated easily...water is essential.
    Good luck with calorie intake!!

  5. Enjoy your visit with your son when he visits!! :-)

  6. Thanks for the link to Art Salvages Dora, looks like a really interesting place for people who enjoy craft. Well done for sticking to calories Dora, it's not that easy to do.. happy weekend ✨

  7. I'll bet launching the rockets were fun. I hope you enjoy the visit with your Son.

  8. We have the same saying, but, ohhh, why do we talk so bad of an animal (pig)?
    Good thing, you stay out of their way, even if it hurts...

  9. Sometimes it's nice to go out and spend money. If you don't get to go it often, it's even nicer.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...