Friday, July 10, 2020

Today Is Friday July 10 2020, This Is What Happen

This morning before I got up a little before six in morning. I see we had nice rain and it smell so fresh.
I could even go for a walk. So I decided photo of mountains surround by clouds. Will post them as I share my day. Our neighbor just start to cut his hay.

Heath habits to day fluttered. I should of packed a health lunch. But I did mange to get in a walk. No need to list what I should of done.

Let talk about work. Seen both clients. Regis and I worked on crafts he doing a diorama of space ship or some might call a UFO. It landing in the dessert I believe is North Africa.
I worked on some ATC cards, still on my food and cooking theme. One I did was a brunch of grapes. The other on I didn't finish was a gummy bear. I got drawn out but I am not sure how to get effect that make it look like jello. Some one suggest trying gloss markers.
Liz didn't go. She was taking care of her grandson. I can only say poor Liz. Now I need to explain what happen with her.
Not sure if her son made arrangements or not that he was bring over his son or not. I just don't show up to her place with out first letting her know I am coming.
Her son has a key and she sleeps with a gun and he has a key to her place. She had also had a chain lock on door. She end pulling her gun out and had aimed at the door.
Not sure if her son saw the gun and spoke up. Or she seen her son and put the gun down. Glad no one got shot.
I feel sorry for her, she has quite a few fears and phobia that effect her everyday life.

5 people now have covid here in our county. Now notice more people are wearing mask. But I wonder if now there closing barn door as cows have escaped.
There been those who says there testing more people and it not fair analysis. Well my thought is if I didn't take blood pressure, does mean I don't have blood pressure.
Well Murphy and I pretty much quite shopping at SUPER ONE. Mask at super one is optional and none of there employee wear one.
Over at SAFEWAY there employees have mask. Not sure who provides them. But there looking out for there customers and employees there.

Can't figure out how to get new gas oven to work, it doesn't heat up. At this point I figure I am doing something not quite right. Thought I would give company a call. It toll free number.
You tube video this weekend.

Coffee is on


  1. Does your new stove have an instruction book? There might be a switch or something to use the oven. Mine is electric, but also fan-forced and if I turn on the oven but don't also switch on the fan, it just doesn't work. I find that annoying but nothing I can do about it.

  2. Nice pics. Re COVID: it obviously would have been more effective to effect the preventive measures earlier but I think doing so now is better than not doing anything at all.

  3. Here in Canada masks are mandatory in much of thr country. People mostly wear them and our Covid numbers are very low. Hope your country is able to fight it!

  4. I hope you get the new oven working, that's a real pain. I'll be the morning in the mountains is wonderful.

  5. Google might help with oven, how frustrating. You live in a beautiful area. Scary about Liz.

  6. You are in a beautiful area. I'm glad more people are wearing masks - it's better than not wearing them, at this point. Our county (upstate New York) currently has 104 cases and 53 deaths so far, and I am fearing for the entire country. Alana

  7. Mask it or casket.

    You pretty much know what I think.

  8. You're pictures are beautiful. I love the clouds in the background like that.

  9. I love all your sky shots. I'm glad that your area doesn't have much covid yet. Ole Trump came to town a few weeks ago and now we have a big outbreak.

  10. Is the pilot light lit on your oven. Every time we had issues, the pilot light had gone out.

    Since masks help more keeping a person who has it from spreading it to others, masking now is good. Sure, it would have been better earlier, but better late than never.

  11. Sorry can't help re the oven Dora, don't have gas but I see some helpful hints above 😊 wise move to show where the staff wear masks, they'll probably be more careful in other ways too. Super series of photos 💙 I'm very happy Liz didn't shoot her son 😱

  12. Love the photographs you've shared here.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

It been a little while since I've posted anything. Doing fine. Not all that much going on. I'm sure all of you know what going on w...