Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Today Is Tuesday July 7 2020, This Is What Happen

Hubby and I went shopping. All day I new I need something and just couldn't recall what it was. Once we pulled back into our drive way. It dawn on me. A butter like spread. I am lactose unfriendly. Usual I add a nut butter or fruit spread of some kind.
This trip we got no foo items.

As I just mention my hubby. Murphy rash is gone and now there thinking it might be caused from his smoking canibus. When he cuts back he seem to have break out in rash.
There always been some controversial. There not sure if this might have something to with physical or mental.
I don't want to say much at this time. I am far from saintly. Confession time...In my younger day I snorted quite bit of cocaine.

I got way to much stuff. Then want or need something a lot time I know have and can't located. Frustrating.

Promise my client Regis we will go shopping. He wants to blow a $100. That find it his money and all his bills our paid. He still got some of his stimulus check some of us American got.
So plan is start around nine and go to four. Or until he run out of money.
I just can't come up anything I need or want. I have hard time keeping things up. I don't need to add to my project list.
I have to make it well into my 90's to finish what I start and there plenty of ideals floating in my head.
I am taking $25 to spend.
If I find something I plan to talk my self out of it. I am taking it in cash.

There were two question asked one was about our landfill. It part of our property tax and if live in county your property tax covers it. But if your out of area then there a fee to use the landfill.
Then the other question was about shingles. The rash covered a larger area then averagely what shingle would of.

I don't see my self blog posting tomorrow, will catch you up on Thursday.

Coffee is on


  1. Glad you stopped the cocaine.

  2. Dora, you "crack" me up admitting what you did, LOL, especially the "quite a bit"-part.
    I was offered pot-cookies and did say no, whimp-me! Now I wonder what it might´ve been like.
    Glad Corinna did NOT pay a visit.

  3. We hate it when you go to the store and can't remember that key item.

  4. I know what that's like to forget that one item. That's why I make lists if I think I'll forget. There was the one time I went to a particular store for a particular item, but the minute I walked in the door, I forgot what I went there for.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...