Sunday, July 26, 2020

Today Is Sunday July 26 2020, This Is What Happen

Hubby and I took a drive up ball creek area, a fairly steep area. We're looking for this little spot on creek we liked. Big white granite rocks. Couldn't find the spot. I would last time we were up there our sons was still in High School.
But still enjoyed our day up Mountain.

Stop at Safeway deli and got the Shanghai express, $12.99 and actual it was enough for an extra person. Didn't bother with cake.
Still very few people had mask on. Actual I was even getting a little pissed off. There sign right out of door, saying about wearing a mask. But I guess there those dodo who don't believe science. I make sure I am better than six feet from them.
We brief talk if our dear King Donnie Idiot calling Martial law. Well little I know I believe the state Governor has more power in this area.
Plus for a president to call martial law he/she needs to get through congress. I sure someone could educate me on this.
My guess I don't think it going to happen. But it does, it won't be til after October 15 2020.

On the way back we stop at Myrtle creek bridge on west side road. In early days our city water came from there and part of it in town and part of it still there.
Last time Part of there he spot an old pipe from then, possible. Murphy and I went to look for it. Didn't find it.

Mange to get a short walk.

Coffee is on


  1. Can you tell me what is the Shanghai Express please?
    I hope it doesn't come to martial law in your country. Things are bad enough already.

  2. Sounds like a nice day out.

  3. Scary what's happening these days. A desperate man trying to hold onto power...

  4. What a lovely drive Dora, looked like a beautiful day too. Such a shame people aren't taking the mask wearing seriously. Just keep a good distance from them 💛

  5. I'm glad you two enjoyed your outing!

  6. So nice to get out in nature. I hope the mask idiots figure things out soon.


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Today Is Friday, May 17, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Our primary is this coming Tuesday, May 21 st . To me the primary is more important than the general election here in Idaho. It mainly ...