Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Today Is Wednesday April 14 2020, This Is What happen.

Time for me to get a different pair of glasses on. The pair I have is much to strong. Any now I have my glasses on.
Time to share my time with all of you. I sure hope every one is doing good.

Last two morning I got a walk in. Today I increase the distant and I use power pole for measuring my distant.
Enjoy listen to birds sing. It sound so peaceful.

Hubby is in a lot of pain. At times I should be home taking care of more things at home. Or a lease helping him.
The odds are one of us will be widowed some time in our life, and we will need to live. If I knew for sure I would get his entire social security. I would consider cutting back. I know some widows who get there spouse full benefits and other partials.
For me to draw even $1,000 a month from my own retirement I would be close to 70 or slightly over. I have no plan to work that long.
I been on this soap box before.

Last night I watch a thing on genetics which I find interesting. To me it like a mystery. I even thought of having my genetic completely done. I done though ancestry and most of family came from Great Briton island.
But why did I end up with my olive skin tone, large boobs, why can't I digest diary, why do I hold water tensions and there lot more question.
Then there the history side. Still looking for my great grand Charles Shirley...I came up possible three men who might be his dad.

I order some items from Amazon and of course I forgot about rechargeable batteries and I forgot about the black fabric to do binding around the quilt.


  1. Genetics are a wonderful thing. I’m curious about my family. I can’t trace back any further than my immigrant grandparents

  2. Genetics is good, but the mystery of mixtures may never be solved.
    my family is mostly fair haired, blonde as babies but darker as we grow, and almost all have blue eyes. But my Dad had brown eyes, my two first children have brown eyes and the older boy is brunette, no one knows where that came from.

  3. "Funny" enough I feel like my neighbour. I´d see no sense in going on if Hubby died... or got taken away to some home.

  4. hari OM
    genetics may tell us where our flesh and bone, the matter that makes the body, comes from... but what about 'us'? The essential being-ness that is the individual? Ah... now that enquiry has no measure beyond where our thinking can go. &*> YAM xx

  5. Anonymous12:51 AM

    As we become older we do ponder which will go first. While it is usually the man, who is often a bit older, it is not always.

  6. My neighbors husband died a few years ago. He seemed healthy then I saw the ambulance out front and he never came home. He'd had a seizure in the shower and once at the hospital they discovered a very large brain tumor and he was dead in three weeks. It can happen fast like that. She struggled for awhile, as he worked but she didn't. Now she's my age and can retire properly, getting his SS.

  7. Gosh I hope your husband feels better soon Dora. Keep up the walking, so good for your health ✨

  8. We hope your hubby is feeling better soon, it's hard getting older.

  9. There's always that one thing that we forget... Did you do another order?

  10. Genetics are so interesting. I see so much of my grandfather in my 4 year old nephew and as my poppa died in 2007 there is no way it is leaned.

  11. You should do the DNA test! At least you are thinking about your retirement, so many don't.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...