Thursday, April 16, 2020

Today Is Thursday April 16 2020, This Is What Happen.

Hubby and I went over to what local call chicken ridge. Plenty of trash or treasure finds. I seen some pretty cool piece done out recycle items or people find just walking about.
The only thing I brought home was four rocks and maybe I will get a chance in some future. Paint rocks and this I find troublesome canvas.

Well Regis got his appointment to have stint remove. I am a little worried about going into a surgical center.
Since we're going into Washington and returning to Idaho.
If you leave Idaho and return there asking you to quarantine for 14 days. And there some exception to this rule. Medical is one of them.

A friend of mind called and was asking about coming over Sunday and she does personal care over in Spokane. 
Couldn't believe it and her clients she take care of has cancer and there immune system isn't up to par.
I said my clients have quest in there place and very small percentage I seen taking any precaution steps . Not my client thinks it hoax but those around them does. 
If it wasn't for my clients life style I would be glad to see you.

Thankful I am not working as a clerk in store. Finely they have some spit guards up and only small percentage is wearing a mask. 

There people who are quite up set over the shut down. Even in my area there talking about disobedient. What I notice most of our King Donnie the idiot supporters. I see them around locally and they have there ball cap on either it says “Make American Great” or “Trump”
On the way to chicken ridge. There was an American flag and below it was a Trump flag. I just don't get that some made him into some type Omnipotent figure. To me it scary. 
IDAHO my home state has the highest hate for it population. Plenty of strong feeling about this and not good feelings
Since they think hoax don't want wish anyone ill...I hope they all get extreme case of hemorrhoids.
Over on my face book I ask this question...Question time...what worries the most and lease about covid 19? My answer was quite simple. The biggest worry is the unknown asymptomatic carriers and what worries me the lease is that top notch scientist are working on this.

Been having trouble with my sewing machine. My stitches were gathering both on my mask and quilt blocks.
Well like majority of time it the threading of machine and didn't thread the bobbin part correctly. Well I been getting in my walking. 

Coffee is On


  1. It is scary how some people are just ignoring the rules and thinking it can't happen to them. Here in my state people are being very good about staying home and distancing when out. There was an article in the newspaper about people going to the shops too often, the idea is to go only once a week to limit exposure, but some go everyday. I go everyday only to get a newspaper, so I'm in and out very quickly. I can't get the paper delivered because the neighbours steal it before I get up.

  2. There are lots of conspiracy theory and hoax folk around where I live also. Because I'm older I don't want to get it, but young people die too when they get it often. Staying home is ok with me, but I go for a walk though.

  3. There are people who still believe this is a hoax, a plot to kill the economy. They’ve been listening to Fox and Breitbart, I think. This virus is a horror, thousands of Americans have died.

  4. People who are still venturing out are as dangerous as the virus itself!

  5. Idaho is a hardcore state. Some of my relatives in SE Idaho are pretty extreme.

  6. People taking foolish and unnecessary risks are a menace.

  7. It's hard to wrap one's head around this, at least until it impacts one directly. That's the problem. If it hits your state hard, and people lose loved ones, their attitudes will change in a big hurry. But I don't wish that lesson on anyone.

  8. The only worries I have are a few loved ones getting it as they are people who willl die from it. I actually am finding social isolation the best thing that ever happened to me.

  9. The sooner you get rid of #45 the better for everyone Dora, he really is as bad as the virus!


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...