Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday April 13 2020, This Is What Happen

I am tired of the quarantine.

Much better mood, from yesterday. I heard people getting depress for Christmas and such. But Easter.
Did get chance to video chat with my youngest son. Said hello to his wife, and watch the grand daughter run about.
They sure have energy. I am sure the candy helped. I am sending some down, candy that is. Also toss some mask and book in package.
Still need to do up my other son in Medford Oregon.

Took Liz out to the game reserve and got the batteries for my camera after. Mainly what we saw was bird. I only can  indentify a few.
There some hiking trails out there. It would be good for me hike down some of them.

My eating down fall was I ate way to many corn chips today, and put my calorie count up a bite. I was going to say way up. That might not be a true statement.

Just sign up for Zoom. Made account personally and still need to find out if our pagan group can have there own account as a group.
Been thinking of doing a you tube video of Beltane ritual. Some might know Beltane as May day. It about relationships.
I have an ideal how want to do it. My basic theme will be "complement"

Coffee is on


  1. Glad you are feeling better today I really miss just being able to go out and about as I please.

  2. Everyone is discovering Zoom ...

  3. I'm not tired of the quarantine, I'm used to staying home, since that is what I mostly do anyway. I'm prepared to stick it out until there are no more cases of the virus in Australia and if that leads to Christmas, well, that's what I'll do. I still take a walk each day, sometimes twice and I buy a newspaper for the puzzles page, they have extra puzzles now to keep people occupied.

  4. I finally looked up Zoom. Even my younger Brother had no idea what that is! Germany, the sleeping land...

  5. I'll have a (virtual, Zoom-powered) cup of coffee with you. I hope you and yours are well.

    Greetings from London.

  6. I'm glad you are doing better today, sometimes it just takes chatting with family!

  7. Sounds fun to go to the wildlife refuge. Ours our closed here or I'd head out for one. There's a nice once just south of Corvallis and another near where my friend lives. I've never been on Zoom, is it hard?

  8. Everybody is in the same situation . Hope we all come.out of this soon .stay safe

  9. I've heard a lot about zoom but never tried it. Neato.

  10. Zoom seems to be everywhere. Well, it's a good way to talk to groups when we can't meet.

  11. I'm using my cell phone more than ever! It's good to see my daughter and grandchildren.

  12. I am glad you were at least able yo spend some virtual time with your son.

  13. It always amazes me how much energy kids have. I get depressed more in the Summer because it's so hot and sunny.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...