Friday, April 17, 2020

Today Is Friday April 17 2020, This Is What Happen

Maybe it was Tuesday. I was watching quilt show on television and it was on Quilt art. Which is take painting or photo and take fabric and do a quilt. I admire pieces like this. But watch show I was lost quite quickly.
I like playing with color, to me this is best part of creative experience. Then the next part would be the shape of each of piece and how they communicating with each other.

Help Regis move more items out of his dad place.
After that we went to hospital parking lot. There doing some lab work out in parking lot. You pull into spot and call a number and then someone comes out and draws your blood.

Then going across the bridge I saw three guys with two signs. One with American flag flip half way having “COVID 19' written on it.

Then there was don't tread on me symbol. Although I didn't see any words on sign.
There some people seem to be talking disobedient. Some says civil, non civil and then some never mention the word civil.

A week late. Got Grand children Easter gifts all off. I wear a cloth mask and when I was going up post office steps. Some guy with a mask gave me the most dirty look. Oh well.

Not sure what we will be doing this weekend.


  1. You saw covidiots who'd rather listen to the talking heads on Fox than follow the science. I have no patience for such stupidity.

  2. Copying a painting or photo to make a quilt seems like a great idea, but the sewer would have to be very clever.

  3. Hari OM
    we have had our lockdown extended - and I have not doubt there will be some 'civil' unrest as a result... YAM xx

  4. It's better to wear a mask and gloves and keep distance, if you think that one infected person can give the virus to at least three other people. America is now on top of the list of death of all countries in the world ! Be very careful !

  5. Most people get more friendly in this crisis - just smile at a grumpy face next time?

  6. Love the apple photo!

  7. Don't think we'll be going very far this weekend either Dora, maybe for a walk. Keep safe ✨

  8. Here the people on the block have become very unfriendly it seems like. It feels very lonely. I will have to go for groceries soon so maybe I can at least see some friendly eyes above a mask.

  9. Nobody here ventures out very far, only for groceries and we would walk there if we had to, it's darn close.

  10. It is sad some people are putting us all at risk. Stay safe.

  11. Saw on tV that some in Trump's administration are afraid that reopening the country too soon will have political repercussions, which is a guarded way of saying "A lot of people will die."

  12. It would be amazing to make a quilt like that. I'm not sure what all the protests were about. Some people just don't think.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...