Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Look What I Found

I found this site called RANDOM QUESTION GENERATOR and thought I would let pick three question. I will honestly answer them.

  1. Do you experience phantom vibration? I am one who wouldn't use the term vibration when comes to spirits and such. I have enter feeling there around and I will get glance of them. I never call on them. Recently there been a aninal spirit visting about size of house cat with rounded ears and long tail. Question time....Does anyone want to take a guest of my friendly vistor.
  2. What TV channel doesn't exist and doesn't? Not sure. But I heard over in the Scandinvian countries have SLOW TV although not sure American is ready for that. The other thing they ought to do a Mini Skit like they had on CAROL BURNETT SHOW or RED SKELTON SHOW But bases from some social media post. I can have wicked sense of humor. Or sick.
  3. Who is better cook your mother or grandmother? No question. My mother hands down. I never had my dad mother cooking. But my grandma Olive cooking was like eating shoe leather and no flavor. But when I ate at Grandma I used my table manors. 

Today I did well when it came to my health goals. I deciced to take six photo each day in October. This morning as I was walking I look back toward my place and notice the colorful trees sitting among the pines and firs.
The top of mountain peak is  covered with snow. I believe your looking at BURTON and I have never seen old look out.
Plus I found this new site called PEAK VISOR. I think be great on smart phone when hiking.

Coffee is on


  1. Oooh, I like the idea of a random question generator. Although, I find that sometimes questions just piss me off. They hit a nerve or something.

  2. The photo is very pretty. I don't like question sites.

  3. Hari OM
    Truly random! I have a history of sourcing spirits in buildings and 'moving them on'... book bell and candle. Well no, actually - bell and candle and meditation!

    The BBC has done a few items of slow tv. It is rather lovely to have on in the background as one works. Soothing. YAM xx

  4. Anonymous1:22 AM

    We've had a little slow tv on one of tv stations and it rated very well.

  5. Love your autumn capture here Dora, not good with random questions 😊

  6. Wow, those questions are really random.


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