Friday, September 27, 2019

It more then

Loosing weight isn't necessary the physical part of it. Eating and exercising. There dealing with the emotional part of it.
A life style change and thinking differently. It doesn't happen with flick of switch.
As I been loosing weight slowly I been looking at my out look on life. Sure I haven't complete got it down yet.
One thing I notice I feel better since I been decluttering.
The five things I learn on way of changing habits
  1. Don't take on two much
  2. Make room for those so called “naughts” being to strict your going to crash and burn. Yes I have those cookies. The day I have my sweet is on Tuesday and Wednesday but I still stay in my calorie count.
  3. Good common sense bounds. Telling your self your going to get up and run a mile a day and you can't walk around the block. Start with walking around your yard. My eating ends at 7PM and don't start up til 7AM
  4. Change your environment does help. Right now I am decluttering and organizing
  5. Recognizing those road block or baggage we carry though out life. Learning to deal with them and change them. One is giving my self credit.

Yesterday in blog post I showed my two messy beds. There many reason why this was done. Knowing that I need to take care of other things before I move on to cleaning off the beds.
First I need to make my PVC paint holders and continue organizing the shelf that the PVC paint holders go on.
Two boxes of art and craft supplies is now setting on the bottom shelf. This need to be going though and taken care of.
I figure I could find 14 more pieces to donate to the thrift store. And clean up the ruff edge on PVC pipe that was cut.
I won't be able to connect the piece together til next week. There no PVC primer or glue here. Hubby and I are heading to Courd Alene on Monday, will get some down there.

Strange thing happen this morning. I woke up around 4:30 to real strong smell of onion. And I got up and check out in the kitchen, to see if anything was left on. Check it all out nothing was on.
So I came to conclusion that there were possible a new spirit was moving about. It a little early for the veil to be thinning. It happen more closer to SAMHAIN OR HALLOWEEN or spiritual realm. See I believe there all sort of things around us from not so good ones to angles.
I don't communicate with them. But I am aware of them.
So those spirit who wish to be in my present. It quite simple they need to behave and be civil, or they can leave.
We all have the free will and power to move spirits around.
So I doze back to sleep woke up around 6:30 and ask Murphy he was smelling some order. He thought it smell like cleaning fluid.
Wonder if it could be possible gas leak and to call the gas company. I told him they put rotten egg smell though the line.
So he went down stair to pantry and all of onion went bad.
So that was our spirit.

Well went to work and when got home. Murphy was telling me that the neighbor cat didn't enter worship circle and walk around the entire thing.
And no there just two extra bed, we have a king size we sleep on. And I won't be giving you excuses why there clutter...Excuses should challenge you to make changes.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Your five points are pretty well spot on.

  2. Hari OM
    What a shame about your onion crop! Still, good to have an explanation for the 'night odours'! YAM xx

  3. I like point number 1, great list.

  4. Sorry about the onions.

    Cats are very perceptive creatures.

  5. I like your five points list Dora, very positive! Your 'spirit' story made me smile 😊

  6. I was doing some good decluttering last fall, then came the holidays, my Dad in the hospital, then rehab, then assisted living, then selling his house and well.......I need to get back to my decluttering. Did a bunch for him, trouble is, some of it is now here. Sounds like you're doing well with the dieting etc. I've been able to pick up my walking again...most of the Vertigo is gone, but I haven't done any dieting.
    Sandy's Space

  7. Good five points!

    All the best Jan

  8. Those are good ways to change habits.


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