Thursday, September 26, 2019

Did Spill A Bit.

I thought yesterday I could of kept my calories in check. I try to keep my calories between 2,060 and 2,310. I had 2.656 calories.
I try to get 7,500 steps which I haven't been doing. It seam my steps been right around 5.000 give or take.

Not sure when I will ne totally back on trac. I got on back my health trac. But there other things I need to get back on track. Since I hosted Mabon party I been out of sorts.
But I guess one could say I am slowly coming around.

As one can see my bed has been a catch all. I hope to be on these beds in near future. But there is a few things I need to do before tackling the beds.One things I need to do is have a place to put the things I want to keep and I know there will be items that need to leave. It doesn't serve a purpose. Or one can say it ran it course.
I've gotten rid of 60 items and I will be taken 6 items out of here. My goal was to get rid of 80 items. And 14 more to go hopeful I can complete this before the end of the month.
  1. Tupperware veggie server
  2. Recipes cards, 3 or 4 of them
  3. CD or DVD
  4. Gardenig card(s) 1 or 2 of them
  5. doily
  6. Cookbook, which ages ago local Mormon church put out and Liz son follows this faith and I am giving it to him. Although I had to wrap it. Reason in shambles.

I got the my sewing area ready to go. But still need to get my fabrics, threads, patterns, and such. Also organize.

Coffee is on


  1. hard to keep those calories in check. It requires a lot of discipline. I find that regular weighing once a week is a good idea, it keeps me in check.

    1. except I don't weigh regularly!

  2. Wow, that is quite a decluttering job here!

  3. I hope that is a spare bed and not the one you are supposed to sleep on, that would be mighty uncomfortable. what about a set of shelves, like deep bookshelves so you can stack all the fabric there?

  4. I haven't even started with my de-cluttering. I think the hardest part is figuring out where to begin.

  5. Getting rid of stuff feels great!!

  6. It feels great to have a good clean out.

  7. So much to do. Good luck.


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Today Is Monday, May 6, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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