Friday, January 11, 2019

Creative and Beautiful Meme Number Fifteen

Better Late then never. It been hectic last few days I been meaning to post for last few days. Had a little techie trouble.
Will catch up on the news with me. But in mean time I took part in SKY WATCH FRIDAY and PAINT PARTY FRIDAY

Just like how the sky open up and let the sun come up over the mountain. Yes, I know the clouds don't move to let the sun comes up. But I know a few that sun rises and set for them.
Been notice slowly the days are getting longer.

One of my creative goal is to do picture or some type of creative goal. One is to do a drawing a month. Base on a few words, and this month my words were derringer, sanctimonious, nice, and logical.
Plus I will also draw two tarot cards a month.
Confession I like to challenge my self.
The picture above is done with crayons and color pencils

Link are above to visit those who take part in sky watch and paint party friday.

Coffee is on


  1. Lovely art and photo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love that captured mackerel sky, beautiful photography and sweet art.
    Happy PPF Tracey

  4. Hari OM
    You definitely have an artist's eye Dora! The skyshot is gorgeous and I like the table persepctive. Is this in your dining room and peeking through to the lounge? YAM xx

  5. Lovely sky and nice art!

  6. The sky is great and you are an excellent artist.

  7. I love how the clouds just have a touch of pink

  8. I love that sky, it's pretty amazing. Lovely drawing, very creative indeed!

  9. lol, good luck with your promises. A grea challenge. :)

  10. You picked a wonderful sky to share! Love it.

  11. That sky is lovely, so pleased you shared it here.

    All the best Jan

  12. What a pretty sky.

  13. Looks like it was a beautiful day.


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