Monday, January 07, 2019

One Two Three Lets Go

First thing I usual do in the morning is other then get up. Have cup of coffee, do my morning exercise, and have breakfast.
Well then the rest depend on the day.

Work went fine, nothing out of ordinary.

But when I got home I had some shredded wheat, with coconut milk. And did a little time on the thread mill.
It icy on my road.

Unless something major happen I believe I will take Tuesday off from blogging. Wednesday is the day I do a story built from "Words from Wednesday" and I also do "Wordless Wednesday" and Thursday I might as well bitch about the shut down of our federal goverment, and maybe something else.
Friday it's when post a piece of my art work and sky photo. Plus I might toss something in as well.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Will people who are working and not being paid receive backpay? At least they know the money will come, unlike those who are laid off with no pay.

    1. Not sure I'm paid by the state of Idaho. My clients get disabilty checks and they to have bills and such.

  2. I keep promising myself that I don't have to blog every day. And yet, I do. Well, not Saturday or Sunday. I suppose that counts.

    1. That ok, I find I like blogging best as for social media.

  3. It’s your blog, do what pleases you.

    Coconut milk on shredded wheat sounds interesting. I may have to try it.

  4. When I cut down on blogging, Tuesday was the day I cut as well. Then I cut Thursdays and Mondays, now I've cut out Sundays but just for a while.

  5. I was thinking the other day of taking a day off. I'm just going to take it as it comes. If I am overly tired or overwhelmed with stuff to do, I will take a break.

  6. I think it's time for a video.!!!

    1. I'm working on one...should be up before Wednesday

  7. Anyone seen the Desert Rat? He has vanished long ago, but I do miss the guy.
    Just checking.

  8. Good on you for doing morning exercise before breakfast!

  9. Enjoy your day off Dora, it is definitely deserved now and then 😉

  10. Enjoy your blog-free Tuesdays.

  11. Strict plans - but also a lot of discipline, respect!

  12. That's my morning routine too!

  13. I often skip breakfast, unless I work.

  14. Have a great weekend.

  15. I think you should blog when it suits you …
    I agree there are some wonderful meme's in blog-land.

    All the best Jan

  16. I am always looking for things to eat that are healthy and had totally forgotten shredded wheat, my hubby loves it, i have added it to my list for this week end. thanks for all the comments on my blogs


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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