Saturday, January 12, 2019

Now It's Time I Think.

I did a video and had every intention to put up this you tube video of me going though a box. Was quite surprise to find some family photo.
Confession time....I need to give my camera a little time to focus. 
But some items I kept, other I donated or toss in trash can.

But remember I'm try to get a 100 subscriber on my YOU TUBE CHANNEL.

Christmas 2018 is closed. Bart and Molly came up with two girls. So we open gifts and now slowly or let say meduim speed I'm putting up Christmas decoration.
Grand daughter and I did a snow man in our yard. A little late for a photo and I will share one in next few days

I'm sure I won't have a chance to work my closet this weekend. I have a general pagan meeting to attend.
It to see what the group want to do. Present and future planning.
Plus we got a new dish washer well new to us. Off of craigs list and it was never taken out of the box. Spanking brand new.
Still a little work install in it.

Looks like dinner will be ready in short time and I can still take care of more Christmas items


  1. I'd love to see the snowman.

  2. Here's to you hitting 100 subs!

  3. After having to put my father in law Into a nursing home I decided to start to declutter the amount of stuff we accumulated after thirty years of living here was amazing
    I think I’m done. For now but I do need to go though my craft room

  4. Anonymous3:11 AM

    I didn't watch it all but I really liked your Youtube video. New dishwasher! Your old one was broken?

  5. After Disney, I need to come home and start doing the same.
    I like what Idahoan's do with people who break in! May have to look into that!

  6. It's not easy deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, you did well with your box! Stay strong with the losing weight, it's not easy but we have to stick to it ☺

  7. Decluttering, something we should all do. Thanks for some inspiration.

  8. I go with Grace! :-)

  9. It's amazing what you can find on Craigslist.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...