Sunday, August 19, 2018

Little Short Post Or MayBe Not

Our Air quilty is Awful from all the fires around us. I took a minute and look up the air quilty and our local area is at 205. Very unhealthy.
Well I don't see any rain in the near future. But we can all cast a spell for a inch of rain.

We had our Lughnasadh celebration and our worship celebration. Lot of pagan like other worship is very humdrum.
Well our pagan group is light hearted and fun. We have laughter, singing, dancing and such.
We hope we entertain gods and goddess of our first harvest.
We're half way between summer soltice and fall equniox.
Which we can slow watch the days are slowly here in Northern Hemphire days are getting shorter.

Yesterday I POST about the two quilt block I recieve. Well today I got a block sewn which is quite simple. It a 6 by 6 inch block, and it going to Texas
But not trying to be overly boisterous I think the colors are awsome.

This evening hubby and I had some plain popcorn

Coffee is on


  1. The quilt block is lovely and bright. I don't like plain popcorn and buttered is usually too salty for me, so I just don't eat popcorn anymore. Not even at the movies.

  2. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Is the smoke worse this year than you can ever remember? I am afraid global warming is having a terrible impact everywhere.

  3. I get 98% fat free Orville Reddenbacher's 100 calorie bags. They pop up quick and keep me on my diet!

  4. Glad you're making progress on your quilt blocks.

  5. I love popcorn and it's captures too. Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  6. Pretty fabric in your quilt block. Makes me wish I could still do that.

  7. We've been having trouble with smoke here, too. It's coming from California, Nevada, Oregon, etc. A woman at the hospital today said they've had people coming in with respiratory problems because of it.

  8. ooops, now I have to go to the kitchen to make some popcorn :)


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