Saturday, June 30, 2018

Still One Day Left Of June

I was hoping I would get more time to spend with the WEDNESDAY MEME NUMBER SEVEN well I didn't work and also the pagan group I belong had a general meeting and we covered circle. Our worship service.

Couple of things going on with our pagan group. Mid July we're having our annual camp out. Week from today (Saturday) we will be running though circle.
I'm doing the eastern corner, which represent ideals, creativity, and change.
We're offering workshop on making your own wands. I'm donating some maple branches. And there will be some other branches.
Each wood represent something.
I'll be furnishing rock painting supplies. That will be and open to those who want to to take part.
A pagan pride event will be happen North of Spokane and our group will be part of this.
The place it will take part in is north of Spokane.

The side deck is almost off now. I notice now since the old deck is gone. That they needs to be done is some ground leveling.
We end up doing a little repair on the barn/shed.

I haven't been walking like I need or even eating. So today I been getting a little more walking. I can't tell you when I made this goal of walking up to the Orthodox Church. Well I should of complete ages ago.

Then my eating also been off and  my digestion can tell.
It helps me to write or keep track what I eat. It take time.
Breakfast..pancake, bacon, strawberries and cottage cheese.
Lunch...two wieners, beans, and cottage cheese
Dinner...steak, potatoes, and corn
Boil rice with raisin.
A this point I taken 7,781 steps and my goal is 7,500

Coffee is on 


  1. I used to think about making a wand, my wood is Hazel from the Hazelnut tree of course, but I never did get around to making a wand. I don't belong to any groups or circles either.

  2. It's sounds like you're busy! Good luck with the behavior management about eating and exercise. Do the best you can and be patient and gentle with yourself, it's a long process.

  3. "Couple of things going on with our pagan group."

    Did you grow up Pagan?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooh, I have a wiccan friend who should know about the event. She's in Seattle. Thank you for commenting on my blog. Be well!

  5. Oooh, I want to make a wand.

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