Sunday, July 01, 2018

June Check In 2018

Before I talk about June. I just sign up for a blogger challenge called ULTIMATE BLOG CHALLENGE
I usual don't have trouble finding things to blog about. But the time is some what challenge.

Each month I do a check in with PERSONALITY INSIGHT. From may June's posting I copy and paste some of them. To see what sort of feed back I get.
I welcome feed back as long the person giving is civil about it.

A quick summary....You are inner-directed and skeptical.
You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are deliberate: you carefully think through decisions before making them. And you are calm-seeking: you prefer activities that are quiet, calm, and safe.
Your choices are driven by a desire for organization.
You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and taking pleasure in life. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment.

3 other points for me...Achievement 1%, excitement 1%, and  excitement seeking 1% Under the excitement seeking one could say I'm not a thrill seeker.

Not sure what I am doing. Yesterday I sat up my July bullet journal. Well I still have a little bit to do on it.
I order some items off of Amazon, some supplies for our pagan camp out and some fun personal stuff.

Won't say I'm busting butt. But I been tittling around the place. Like did a load of whites, went though some shoes that went out to trash can. What the purpose of keeping shoes that is total blown out.

Still bad about keeping up on my bullet journal and I haven't given up on my self. At this point I got in 2549 steps. I would like to have a lease 4,500 steps before noon. Then by end of day my step goal is 7,500
Hubby and I went to get groceries, and we stop in at the deli. I had a one biscuit with sausage gravy, and hubby had breakfast burrito.

I didn't do all that well of keeping track of the weather in June. I can honestly say we didn't have that many hot days. A couple of good rain storms came in

Coffee is on


  1. Right now it's 94 and hoping it's as hot as it is going to get today. Tomorrow, it may be close to 100. Your insight describes a lot of what I feel is my personality, by the way. Alana

  2. The beginning of your personality is similar to mine. We start to differ at the success portion. Although, I desire success, my desire is not fueled by wanting personal gain for myself. I am fueled by gaining my success through helping other obtain their desires in life,particularly women.

    1. I like helping other to make there life a lot smoothier

  3. Well June was darn hot here and we had lots of storms. July won't be any different but we're sort of used to it.

    1. I hear it going to heat up after the 4th.

  4. Welcome to the Challenge Dora! I've been in the challenge since January 2016 and love meeting new bloggers and reconnecting with past bloggers. I'm in South Carolina and it is beyond hot here!!

    1. Looking forward meeting other bloggers

  5. I know a guy at work, this dude is philosophical to the point it's stupid.

    We'd debate hot topic issues and he's just ramble on and reshape the reality of...reality.

    That being said, I doubt I'd ever be dubbed philosophical. Too much of a realist. Half full cup or half empty? I just see a cup with a meaningless amount.

  6. You reminded me I haven't set up my Bullet Journal for July yet. Oops! I need to get right on that.

  7. I guess this blogging challenge is going around. Good luck.

  8. That first part of your description fits me. I am an explorer and have never been that interested in worldly success. The subtitle of my blog was first Happiness as a Spiritual Practice, now it's Life as a Shared Adventure. Nothing dangerous, of course, just curiosity and lifelong learning.

  9. I find time is a challenge for blogging too. I'm never stuck for content - just the time to upload it all.

  10. It´s been hot here and hopefully the good weather will stay. I´m calm-seeking, too, maybe too much...

  11. Calm-seeking... I love that.

  12. June was nice for us, temperature wise. Otherwise, we had a variety of daily experiences. We were traveling and exploring in Wisconsin and northern Minnesota, mostly, and had to cope with rain several days and pesky mosquitoes and biting midges. We also hit a number of other states on our way up and back home to Arkansas, where we are trying to get used to and biding the heat before we leave on our next trip.

    Mike (

  13. I haven't ever done a Personality Insight Dora, might be interesting 😉 Sounds like you are full of energy and getting things done, feels good right! Keep up the steps ✨

  14. Hope you enjoy the challenge -- and remember, it's voluntary! :)

  15. Is there any way you can make it possible to comment and change who you are? I have a blog at my own domain, and don't use blogger.

    Coming over from UBS that would be great and serve the purpose for us all. Thanks!
    Have an awesome day! :-)

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I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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