Friday, January 06, 2012

Hey, Willie Winkie, Are Ye Comin' Ben

I might as well get this right out in the open. Tuesday was our first weigh in at  T.O.P.S  This year we got to look at our sheets mine didn't look good. My weigh in is at 218 (98.2kilograms). But this is first year they actual let us look at our recordings. Statement time...I think it a good walk up call to see our own weight.
I learn one thing at TOPS. Not to over whelm your self. So part of my general goals
of 2012 is to keep it simple. But for my health I sat this goals....Well for health goal is start some simple health habits...drink water, walk and keep a health journal
Around about way I found a get in shape and I'm not talking round, square shapes. But being in good health so head on over to get off your broom and I don't know if it to late or not to sign up
So hubby and I been doing some walking. I never could get him to walk around the neighborhood with me. But he is.
There are times we will go some place and walk.

Well last Tuesday the 3rd we went over to what used to be Les place. Walk on the river dike road toward town. I only had about ½ hour walking time. I was heading off to work.

Tuesdays later in day I believe around three o clock our neighbors out buildings burn to the ground. I believe he lost lot of his toys. 

So I stared work later on Wednesday so Murphy and I walk over and see the damage. Well it was the place he kept all of his toys. Murphy pointed out the tractor to me and yes it was burned.
He been a good neighbor and I feel bad for the guy.
Philosophy time...People who locks and has all sort of bells and whistle run there place....I'm wonder what kind of criminal activity is going on.
His shed is wide open and it would be easy enough to back up and take the stuff.
So as careless on security he was it good sign to me his stuff wasn't stolen.

I been having trouble with my blood pressure and recently having attacks of anxiety. Feeling over whelm. I don't sleep right I fill tired when I go to bed and then don't fall asleep. Then I'll wake up between 2 and 3 in the morning go to the bathroom but can't go back to asleep.
I'll get some thought into my head and it just won't let go of it. I have no ideal why or where this thoughts come from.
They been giving me a feeling of uneasiness.
Let me tell you there just to many to list and actual they cover every about every subject one could even thing of.
I would almost called it some kind of brain restlessness. I'm having trouble keeping my brain calm
It does go way. Then once again it appears out of the thin blue air.
Statement time...I'm having the same feeling when I was working for Donna.
She became more and more demanding...Opinion time...she only had a care giver for about 16 hours a week and she thought she need one for a 40 hour week and sense she didn't get one for 40 hour week she demand you to put in a 40 hour week in a 16 hour period.
Good I walk out of there a good 6 months ago.
As a person she actual a real kind person as a friend but to work for it complete different story.

I was going to tell you about this lady who running in our state dist. I can't find her on internet to me she one those crazies. But it could be good post for later on.

Hubby and I been looking at garden seeds. Going though the catalogs and inventorying what we have and need.
I would like to put in an asparagus bed. To what I've heard deer don't care about asparagus so that can go on out side of the garden fence.
But we will eventually have to add some type of fencing if we want to put in fruit trees.

So this Friday the 6th I'm going to my writer group called the “write stuff” then after-wards I'll take Murphette to her counseling section and I'll read a book called Olive-Kitteridge plus go for short walk around the area.
So after this is all done I'm stop in at Liquor story and getting bottle. My guess it will be brandy. I like hot chocolate and brandy. But who know what I'll actual get.


  1. A while back I said that TOPS was a good program but that was a brain fart, actually, I think that Weight Watchers is a good program.

    Actually, I don't know how good any of those programs are because I've never had a weight problem, I eat to live, not live to eat.

    Too bad about his toys burning up, us guys hate to lose our toys.

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Hopefully you start to calm down. I guess the beginning of the year can be stressful, I know I've been overly stressed with work.


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...