Tuesday, January 03, 2012

December 2011 Weather and Others Reports

Warmest day in Dec was on the 28th at 52.7 (11.5)
Coldest day in Dec was on the 9 & 12 at 8.8 (-12.8)
Average high for the month was 38.3 (3.5)
Average low for the month was 20.1 (-6.6)
Snowfall for the month was 5 inches (12.7) The snow never lasted.
The end of the month at the home place we where having about 7 hours of sun in the sky.

This year I'm taking part in no spend  well the no spend actual ends end of January. Carla of half dozen
is hosting a No Spend month.
But I thought I would give her and those who reads my blog a brief breakdown for the month of December.
Statement time...I keep lousy records.
So I'm basing this from the check register
Northern light $58.58 (electrical company)
Frontier $17.36 (local phone company)
Credo $19.00 (Long distance carrier)
Avista $9.74 (Gas Company)
Cabinet Mountain Water dist $41.00 (Water)
So with help of calculator this above comes to $141.68

So in the upper left hand corner of my blog I have a tab. That's what I'm going to call it “ Goals 2012” but I haven't done much yet toward the goals I sat. 

Well Murphy and I went out to the game reserve for a walk. He want me to take a picture of sign that he thought it said “Blind hunters” well as you can see it doesn't but still I think they could of done a better job of it. It took me a few minutes to see what it said.
Out by this big old cottonwood tree I found this old Car frame which some trees where growing up in it. I have no ideal what kind of rig it was or it could be some other type of rig. I believe it would have been the left front side the rims had the letter “B D” on it


  1. If you pay 41 bucks each month that's a bit on the high side.

    I think that Helen's water bill is about 15 bucks a month (low income/senior discount) and being as I'm a bum I don't have a water bill, I get my water from her place.

    I don't have a garbage bill either, we share one can that gets picked up just once a month cuz we don't make much garbage. It costs 15 bucks a month also but she pays for it.

    She pays for most of the food we eat also, I help her stay in her home so she hasn't got to go to a care center so it's a good deal for both of us.

    I'm posting a picture of an old car in the morning, I couldn't identify it either.

    I don't think there is any goose and duck hunting in this area.

  2. Oh, as for the weather here, it was a pretty mild December compared to past years. It rained at times and I bitched about that cuz I love to bitch about the rain. :-)

  3. $41 for our water bill is the flat rate. I believe we get up to 15,000 gallon of month for that. But I'll check it out before I say any more. I could be wrong.

    We don't have a garbage bill either.

    I think it would be hard to cook for one person. My mom was a widow for quite few years and she ate her green salad out. Simple because the food would go to waste.

    It been mild winter here.

  4. Well so far we are lucky we don't pay for water...our water comes from our well. But everything else has gone up...your chin would drop if I told you how much my last cell phone bill was...and then the house phone, internet, cable, satelite, hydro, house insurance...it's just scary..and now I heard that gas prices are going up..hence anything related to gas will go up...and medical insurance is going up...it just doesn't stop....urgh...welcome to 2012! Happy New Year my friend.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...