Friday, January 06, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (Bling and Tree Branches)

Bling to me all most sound like you want to cuss and swear. But in present company it wouldn't be a wise move, even if you have a mouth full of “shit”
But I found out Bling is something BIG and outstanding.
Well we had a great place to shop everyone called B.T.C the dirty rats left and Safeway  came in. Well I haven't heard anyone giving Safeway high marks. 
But right now there putting in a store called super1foods it might not look or sound like much but here it bling. Opening date is sometime in June actual there coming right a long. A least at this point the workers don't have to fight with the snow. 

Recently Quenella friend of our had her place logged. I believe she own a little over 5 acres and if I'm not mistaking they took out five truck loads of logs.
This is what they call a slash pile. It has odds and ends in like left over logs that couldn't be market, tree branches
There always been debates how things should be logged around here. There always been a rife between the people in lumber business and the environmentalist.
In a nut shell both are wrong and right that's my take on it. But it like congress they won't budge and inch.
Well later in season the pile will get burn usual it burn in October or later. But before that Murphy will cut some firewood out of it and so she'll have her winter wood or least some of it.
Lot depends on the weather when they'll burn it but I hope the following year or so they'll have some morel mushrooms.
So Click on either one of these words Circular or Joy to find out more about what I call “weekend photo hunt”.


  1. I like your unique takes on the two themes, very interesting to see. Have a great weekend!


  2. Nice takes on both the themes :)

  3. Bling (noun): Flashy, ostentatious jewelry. "the rapper was loaded with bling"

    Yup, get the firewood out of that pile first. Seems like the rest of it could be chipped up and sent to a paper mill, or a bio mass burning operation to make electricity.

  4. Safeway, I like those stores, do most of my shopping in them. But they do lack bulk bins for beans, rice and such.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    We have Safeway and Super1 here, too. I generally go to Albertson's though, because I feel like I can get a real bargain there. Super1 has good sales, too, but strikes me as a little cold. I've get some real hate going between me and Safeway over some false accusations against my son on their part. Those people are management heavy and blindly unbending.

  6. I love a new grocery store... I've been known to drive all the way to Atlanta for a Trader Joe's.
    Now that's some bling :-)
    Thanks for joining The Saturday PhotoHunt.
    I hope to see y'all Circle through next Saturday !

  7. Okay that's not what I define as bling, to me it means something, bright, flashy, sparkly!

  8. I've get some real hate going between me and Safeway over some false accusations against my son on their part. Those people are management heavy and blindly unbending.

    Climb right in their face and they'll back up and maybe give you a gift certificate.

    Albertsons is on the other side of town and I'm not driving there to try to save a few cents when Safeway is two blocks away and I get a ten cent discount on every gallon of gas for every hundred bucks I spend there.

    Well, that Helen spends there, she buys a couple hundred bucks of cat food every month.

  9. I'm not sure if the American Safeway is associated with the British Safeway I know -- but Safeway was one of my favorite supermarket chains when I lived in England. It wasn't budget (like Tesco) but it wasn't all high end either (like Marks and Spencer's grocery department). A convenient place to find regular stuff but also had a few interesting extra/luxury/exotic items in its aisles.

  10. The branches are great, and you made me laugh that there is a Safeway now instead of rats hahaha !

  11. Hope that new shop will have all the bling you expect. :)

    The firewood should give a very nice smell.

  12. I see the beautiful mountains in the background & am sad for anyone losing that beautiful view!! :(


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