Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The cat's Singin Grey Thrums To The Sleepin Hen

Mid week is here. Let just say my brain is just plain isn't right. I don't know if it every was. I just plain wish it would settle back down. But I don't want or need a brain that sound asleep either.
Not sure what some head shrink would say. But I like the way I explain it...”No fancy medical terms”
Confession time...At time I do feel normal for what that is worth.

I sat up some goals Let say I'm surely not busting to get though it but so far it coming along nicely. If I have a day off or I'm not physical or a mental mess.
I've been cleaning one shelf at time in the barn/shed. So far there two shelves done.

There just plain trash that gets hauled to dump.

I decide to haul out everything and empty out every box. My goal is to Tithe 10% or more of thing out of that shed. Not to be transfer to anther place around the place.
Not sure at the tail end how much stuff will be going to yard sale.
On the yard sale it depends how much stuff will be there. If there not enough stuff for me to hold a yard sale at our place.
Someone in town will have one. I'm sure I can add my stuff to it.
What doesn't sell it going to a thrift store.

I've been participating in No-Low Spend over at Half of Dozen Daily. As far as I can see I only purchase what is necessity in life.
I hadn't planning for the microwave to go out.
I hadn't plan for a blood draw at the doctor office either. They want to check my elector-lights.
But here a few prices for things in my area.
Gas is $3.19(2.50EU 2.06 GP) a gallon. I drive a Toyota tercell and it gets really good mileage.

But still it cost $29.24(22.98EU 18.95GP). I've took $30(23.58EU 19.44GP) out of checking.
Bag of Orange not sure of the weight is $1.99(1.56EU 1.28GP)
2 liters bottle of Ginger ale is .99¢(.77EU .64GP) sense I live short distant from British Columbia that pop would cost about $1.01 in Canadian dollar.
I thought I was going to take Murphette and her gang to wall mart and she broke. Some how there was some trouble with her food stamp card (EBT) So she spend all of her cash on food.
Confession time...I'm sorry things didn't work out for Murphette but honestly I didn't want to go down to wall mart in Sandpoint.
So I ordered a 1250 watt microwave though amazon for $117.

As for the ceramics I been just barely scratching the surfaces. I bitch and gripe about how the home-care stuff is ran.
But actual I feel pulled so many ways when it comes to my ceramic goals.
Statement time...At this time I know there a little chance us making a living at ceramics.
But I look at it and Murphy looks at the same way. Go to a local market of some type. Sale a few items. Pick up few items one would need or wanted for the place. I'm not talking about a vehicle but more like an oil change or some type of costume jewelry.

Confession time.... I feel frustrated that I'm limited to casting certain things at this time.
Do to lack of commercial rubber bands. Rubber bands are use to hold the mold together. But with some minor research and guess I would need to ruffly purchase $500 worth.
It would be a little less. We use old tire tubes for large pieces. confession time...I don't feel comfortable taking that kind of money out saving all at one time.
But I would feel comfortable taking out $40. Then banding up a few molds. Statement time...a large majority of molds are kept together. It not like one half of mold is some place else. 

As for the weight I don't know what I want to weigh but I know I don't want or need to weigh this.
Tuesday the 10th of January I weight in at 216 pounds and before that I was at 218. A 2 pound lost for the week.
I'm five foot..six inches. So I'm not short at all.
I would classify my self as medium bone.
People looks at my boobs then classify me as large bones.
If I put on large blouse I can button it but it so sloppy in the shoulders. At times it would fit like a Green Bay Packer line man uniform
Then if I put on medium size blouse I can't button it but it fits everywhere else.
Oh so frustrating”
Before resent time Murphy never walked with me. So last Sunday we walked around the neighborhood.

I took the camera on the way back we walk pass our drive way and I got this picture looking East.

So Monday I started work later in the day. Someone in my T.O.P.S group had a good suggestion go for a walk in different area.
So Murphy and I try to head out to some place different then our own neighborhood.

We went out to the game reserve and walk what is called “deep creek trail”. Some one built a memorial bench along the trial. Which the above picture was taken from.
We also thought it was good place to head back.
It sure looks more like winter out there then at home.
Saw more birds on this trip then our last visit.

I'm sort of, the reason I use sort of is I have no true commitment to any thing on a blog or other place on world wide web. But when every I'll be checking in at get off your broom which is a about improving one health.


  1. If you can find a hardware store in your area that sells the round bungee cord by the foot maybe you can make your own bands.

    You can get it in different sizes from a small diameter to bigger, I have a 100 foot spool of 5/16".

    It's good stuff that lasts a long time compared to cheap bungee cords you get these days.

    I got a good price cuz my friend that owns an upholstery shop ordered it for me, I think it was about 60 bucks.

    It's best cut with a hot knife cuz that seals the end together good. The size I have I can put together with hog rings but sometimes I sew it together.

  2. The small diameter cord is likely to be found in the camping gear department, I guess hikers and outdoor folks use a lot of it.


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...