Saturday, January 14, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (circular and joy)

I though I would have to take a picture of a circular saw. But when I was going out and cleaning out the barn/shed I notice the end of the firewood tips where circular shape.
I can't say how often we miss measures when we cut the firewood. So Murphy has to trim them up so they'll fit in the wood stove.
But I like to use these circular pieces to put my coffee on.
There a good pieces to use when you need to start a fire. 
Before 1968 if any one every said “Joy to world” one would thinking of the Christmas carol. But I can recall the day I first learn about the song about “Jeremiah was a bullfrog”.
It had to be a warm day in 1968 so I would have been in middle years of elementary education, third or fourth grade.
I only lived two and half blocks from Broadway elementary school. So there were other who lived farther from the school and I would join them when they came to corner of Piece and Cataldo.
Stated are daily journey to school.
The reason I said it had to be warm day. I had no leotards on but in those days girls whore dresses.
When I met up with my fellow school chums. They where singing this song about a “bull frog” and I thought it was real cool song.
I got the whole scoop on song of Joy to World. You know in those days your peers knew more about what your parents every thought was possible.
Well I would guess I never learn much on that day as far as school went. But I did learn the Three dog night song of Joy to World.
I couldn't wait to I go home and share this song with my mom. Confession time...I never felt comfortable sharing certain things with my father.
He seem judge mental with me and critical.
But there been very few times in my life I could recall having a deep conversation with. 

Next week theme for the weekend photo hunt is animals  and bliss  if anyone would like to be part of the hunt or visits other who takes part in the photo hunt please click on either animal or bliss.

Editor Notes...There not many opportunity to take a picture of a frog in North Idaho usual this time of year.

So below is a copy of both “Joy to World” 

Cold here. It seem strange to have this type of cold with out any snow. But a least I can still go out and work on the shed/barn.
A total of 3 shelves done. Those shelves I got done I can really see the difference in.

The next two shelves coming up. It will take two people to do. One will have to be on a latter and the other one on the ground.

But I'll wait a few days. Murphy is stopping smoking pot. A couple of reason it irritates his lymph in his neck. Plus he feels guilty using my money.
He mention what more there to life. “Religion and guns” Neither one of our big gun fans. We do have a few guns in the home. Neither one of us our into dogma of religion. I'm one who more into spiritual side of life. I look at my self as “agnostic spiritual”
Well for the ceramics I'm still clawing at it. I pulled down an old Mrs. Clause I started to paint some time in the pass.
I figure firing off the old paint and starting from fresh would be the best way to go.
I thought I would like to do up some plant tenders up. People who has house plants would be a little zing but. Statement time...I'm not organize enough to be doing that line in ceramic paints. I'm a lot better just to keep to piece that only use acrylics at this time.
Confession time...If I add anther line to my ceramics at this time it would just be a plain crazy stunt. Which would only over whelm me.
It easier to pay the bills on weekly thing the only bill we need to pay is the local land line which is $17.36.
Then our long distances bill from Credo was $13.00
Right now the have cabbage both red and green on sale at Harvest foods. At .49¢ a pound.
But I have to Confession time...I'm not looking forward from the lab work bill.

I was eating dinner and listening to NBC evening news and they said “Most American don't have enough to retire on”  So they used the AARP Calulator One can't predict inflation and things like that.
So by there calculation hubby and I don't have to cut back until are mid 80's . We can continue this life style.
Opinion time... they really don't ask enough question to make fair analysis. We don't live high on the hog. Are monthly utilities are under $200 month, own our place, insurances not medical runs in a year $2,000, and property taxes about $1,200 a year.
One can't predict certain things in life such as maintenance and oh shit I forgot stuff. 

I'm still cutting back on my caffeine intake. The stage I'm at is I have my morning coffee. Then every 6 hours I have some coffee.
I don't have any coffee after six in the evening.
As for walking well I'm still at it.

When Murphette was in for her appointment I walk down to end of the road which my Uncle Mike and Aunt Joyce use to live on.

When Murphette was in for her appointment I walk down to end of the road which my Uncle Mike and Aunt Joyce use to live on.

The house is gone. So is the neighbors home is also gone. It sure change the look of the neighborhood.
Plus got a letter written. I don't know what it is but it a good feeling to receive a letter the way of snail mail.

As for other walking I like to increase it our neighborhood. The weather been cold. So I do mange to almost on daily get to walk to end of our road which then you would be on pleasant valley loop 
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

If I were the king of the world
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war
Make sweet love to you
Sing it now...

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

You know I love the ladies
Love to have my fun
I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider
A straight shootin' son-of-a-gun
I said a straight shootin' son-of-a-gun

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the world
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

I wanna tell you
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls

Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
Verse 2
Joy to the world! the Saviour reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
Verse 3 (optional)
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
Verse 4
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.

Opinion time...This is the best part to Christmas Carol...”And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.”


  1. Hi Dora, happy new year. I enjoyed that song in the 70's I did not get to hear any thing but country in the car with my parents before that time.

  2. corner of Piece and Cataldo.

    Spent my teen years in Pinehurst Idaho, that wasn't far from Cataldo Idaho.

    Yah, Murf don't need no pot.

    We don't have frogs over here, just some toads.

    I'm not a big gun fan as in shooting them but I'm a big fan in owning a few.

    Snow flurries today, hope it doesn't stick.

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I have a cousin named Jeremy and my dad always got a kick out of singing Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog to him when he was a little kid.

  4. Thanks for joining the photohunt... and now I have that song stuck in my head!

  5. Well I love your take on the the theme! Well done and very creative! You know we have a wood burning stove which is the primary heat for our home, so I understand where you are coming from with those odd sizes, I too like to try and do something creative with could actually make them into tables...sand and varnish off the tops, get some tree branches put them in a tee pee shape and put the round piece on top! Sell them at craft fairs or something.

    As for the know I can remember singing that as a kid...I guess my mom liked how I sang it and she would have me stand up on a stool or something and sing it for the family! LOL!

    It seems you have been mighty busy these days...great filled post!

    Happy Weekend to you!

  6. I think a cup of coffee brings joy too, so the combination of both themes is perfect !

  7. I think a cup of coffee brings joy too, so the combination of both themes is perfect !

  8. Hi Peppylady --

    Wow, these themes -- especially joy -- sure got you thinking and going! :b

  9. well, i'm trying to increase my coffee intake so together we're helping keep the universe in balance.

    next will be a large, strong cup of starbucks christmas blend at 2:45 pm pacific standard time.


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