Saturday, March 05, 2011

Photo Hunt (Self Portrait)

Self Portrait seem like a strange pick for this week photo hunt theme. I never have or should have learn to use the self timer on my camera but haven't yet.
So I got my self in different pose as long as I could reach the snap button it was all good.
I really have to say none of these picture I thought capture but in all honesty I had fun to see what came out of the camera.
This one I got on my knees and place the camera on the floor looking up at my self and click. This is what I got.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It makes for an interesting shot.

    I've tried to take pictures of myself, too. It's hard. Even if I get the self timer figured out, I'm sure I'll do something weird.

  2. well good for you for being creative...and adventureous!

  3. I can rarely get a photo of myself that I'm happy with.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...