Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Hunt (Cage(d)

I thought this week photo hunt theme would be somewhat difficult. But it wasn't all that hard for me to find something to do with caged(d)
We have to cage in our garden from all sort of creatures but mainly cattle, elk and deer.
These are calling cards that some White tail deer left they'll walk around the garden to see if some one left the gate open or weakness in the fence. So possible they can help them self to fresh produce. But this time of the year there nothing in garden for them to nibble on.
Just barely poking though is our rhubarb.
To find more info on photo hunt please visit our hostess TN Chick

It been a fairly cold spring so far it only once got up into the 50's and during last March of 2010 it got above 50 13 times.
But I'm check around and see whats coming up.
I know a few people who crocus started to bloom and I notice a fair amount of snow drops but at this point nothing for me.
I notice a few of my tulips where coming up in my Hodge podge flower bed. Thursday I had to go into Kootenai inn for Murphette and cash in her Canadian money for American money.
But in front of the inn. There tulip where up about 4 to 6 inch.

We have a few things started in pots for our garden season. Leeks and artichokes are doing gang busters.
Started some spinach in container this year to see if we could get mature plants out and see if this method will lessen the chance of them going to bolt.
If this work and then we can plant a crop in fall and in spring time have some fresh spinach.


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    My take on the theme was kind of like this.

  2. LOL yes, we too have that same problem. I must remember to put a "cage" around my small garden this year! Great take on the theme. & thank you for stopping by my blog. ;o)


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