Sunday, March 27, 2011

We Got What It Takes.

It seem like a lot of people are struggling do to the economy. Murphy finely went back to work sort of do to having sort of the crud. But I've said if I had the same thing his case of the crud would be lot worst them mine.
Plus the weather hasn't really been all that springy. The morning of the 26 there was a skiff of snow on the ground.
So Saturday morning I went to a one yard sale but I guess there was anther one up by the three mile with cost of fuel I skip it.
Picked up two crochet dish clothes for quarter and off to dollar store and got some fishing stuff for one of the boys Christmas Stocking.

I put up a few Spring like things around the place even outside it really don't look like spring. So far this month it only got up to 50 twice.
I had the fall wreath hanged and never but up the Christmas one.

I debated with my self to purchase beer or not. After notice that one gas station arose there price up to $3.59 a gallon. But I got the gas still at $3.49 and it cost $32 to fill up my tank.
Now I know there two days of “Do not buy gas” One is on March 31 st  and the other is on April 2nd 
On April 8th  there all so a protest not to purchase any thing for big corporations.
These three event is posted on facebook.
I find it unfair that lot of big corporations doesn't pay income tax. To best of my knowledge our income tax will be on high side 34% and the low side 20%. Murphy and I took in our taxes but waiting for them to get done.

You know one will find news on the computer such as facebook. I haven't said much about my friend Alice she was one who got a habitat for humanity home.
Her daughter Jodi posted on facebook her mom quite her job. She does the same thing I do and I can complete understand why someone would want to get out of home-care or being a personal care.
Her life is a lot more stressful then mine.
Opinion time...She seem to do the same-thing over and over that cause her stress.
You know that saying “a sign of insanity is doing the same-thing and hoping for a different result”
I don't know if this is true I under stand her ex inheritance some money I sure hope she didn't quite her job because Marim got some money.
In pass when Marim receive any money it never went towards the family.
Confession time...So Sunday afternoon I went over and more less let her believe I knew nothing of her quitting her job.
But soon as she said that her client was treating her like a servant and the client had a nasty attitude . I complete understand why she quite.
But lease she recognize that she was under stess and took action.
But her daughter Jodi got up set and yelled at her.
It amazing when one child gets out on there own and how they have a total different look on life.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I drive a van. It costs nearly a hundred dollars to fill the tank, and city driving drops the tank fast.

  2. Way back, about 10 years ago or so, when gas prices started to skyrocket, we had two vehicles. We sold our gas guzzling pickup and now have just one vehicle between the two of us. Still, it's costing a fortune. And, I don't like it. I say boycott the whole lot of big corporations!!

    Love your spring decorations.

    My Thursday's Link:
    Memory...I know what Happiness Is!


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