Sunday, January 16, 2011

Celebrating Diversity Honor Human Rights

I believe Idaho and Arizona was the last state to recognize any type of celebration for Martin Luther King Jr. But in Idaho they call it Human Rights Confession time...At first I had trouble with the tern “Human right day” but as time goes by I actual find it more fitting.
I been reflecting on how everyone had some type of trial in there life. I have to say actual my trials in my life hasn't been like some I read been told about or personal known
If I have I had to pick on trial of life seem to hit more then others is always to do with is “Money” This resent round of money woes is that Murphy isn't going to be able to draw unemployment. If I understand the law for the state of Idaho if employer total wages paid out doesn't met $20,000 in a certain amount of time then unemployment insurance isn't paid.
So right now we are living on my wages of a part time job of weekly pay check of 247.50 a week. Our things like utilities (phone-water-gas-electric) will run about $200 a month. We will be able to put some back out of that for a raining day.

The boundary county human right task force and friends of the arts put on a show honor human rights. They did brief presentation ofkootenai declare war  in 1974. But before that the kootenai tribe lived in terrible poverty
I recall living as a teenager in Otis Orchard Washington some of my relative stop in at my parents house. Telling us in a like way of making fun of the kootenai's. Can't recall the exact word they used but they sum it up as they where putting on three ring circus act.
Looking back the kootenai had every right to protest their life they where living.
I never looked at my family being extreme bigots but every family does have there members who doesn't always do the right thing
But what my relative said was prejudice remark even if it was out of stupidly.

Murphy and I went into town to take care of some errands on Saturday. We stop at one of the thrift stores south end of Bonners Ferry. We got a some cards which I will explain in moment.
Hubby found a new shirt. I got two new tops and a new nightie any way the ones I have a pretty slim.
Now for the note cards. My friend Quenelle asked me if I would be interested in writing to female person who was in the military and given her support. I said “sure”
She from a military back ground. Her dad did 20 years in the Navy and her father in law did 20 years in the army. She has a nephew who is now fulfilling a career in the army.
She is going to send her nephew a large envelope asking to find us a female that would like to correspond with us.
In this envelope is some stamps, note cards, and stamps. Plus the written letter which the lady soldier will get.
I'm writing to one and Quenelle will be writing to two.

Also during last week I did crazy thing. I went on two facebook. But before I got out I got North Idaho telephone book and looked up churches and wrote a list of them not caring what the doctrine is. Explanation time I didn't include the different branch of baptist, methodist, lutherans or etc
I went over to facebook pages and found each religion and found one female and one male to be my friend.
At first I just send a friend invite and really not sure how it worked.
Then I send this message something like this “I like to have friends with different back ground” well that didn't go over well “So many people are up tight heck actual they should take a chill pill” then I send this message with my friend invite
“I'm working on project trying to get people from different religious back ground for friends on facebook.  Then after that I want to see if I can get a friend from every state in the union. I enjoy people from different background which is one way to learn. You where picked at random....Peppy” this worked a lot better.

One can say I'm doing a brain work out
Keeping one brain cells in a health state is if one is right handed mainly trying doing a few simple task like brushing your teeth, hair, washing a few dishes, dusting, washing your body all using your left hand and other simple task. If your left handed one can use their right hand.
One can also get those brain cell active by having a variety point of view on something that we may be interested in or not. Even if one don't agree with that point of view.
“We all need to stimulate our brain cells”


  1. Hello...this was most interesting to read. I learned a lot.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit with me.

  2. keeping your brain cells agitated is never a bad thing...mix in some human rights work and its all the better.

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    As if your already super tight budget weren't tight enough. That's a harsh blow.

  4. Nice posting. Good luck on your project. How many states do you have so far?


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