Saturday, January 22, 2011

Photo Hunt (Hand)

This week theme is hand  I still write something by hand. I have some older relatives in Michigan my dad siblings. I send them a hand written note my dad youngest brother is about 90 and his oldest sister is 100. It averages out they will get a hand written note about every 6 weeks. There a few others I send a note to but not as often.

My friend Quenelle had a ideal to write a female person in the military. So she contacting her nephew who at this time is in Afghanistan trying to line up someone who we can correspond with.

I get most of my note card from thrift store and other cards. Last time I got any note cards I paid 30 for about half dozen of them. I also get other types of cards have one every looked at price of cards.
I really like this little note card and I'm keeping it for my self on the front it says
No woman can be happy with less than seven to cook for”. On the inside of the card it has list of what to do on certain days of the week...Wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, Mend on Wednesday, Clean on Thursday, Bake on Friday, Market on Saturday, and on Sunday to church.
I can recall singing a song to this.
But personally I never new anyone who actual ran there home this way.
Every generation had it easier then the next. I can recall my mom having a wringer washing machine. I heard her mom washing machine had some type handle on it and one had to manually pump it.
But ever sense I was in grade school we had an automatic washing machine and still do.
One thing I notice that iron haven't change since I could recall. I did ironing for a chore and I start on my dad big red hanker-chief. But for some reason my mom liked to iron.
At this present day I have a iron and board but I don't have a cover for my board actual those things are costly.
Sewing isn't something I real don't care to doing. Actual I don't do a bad job but I find it stressful. Now for mending I would rather start form the beginning on a project when it come to sewing. My mom would sew to relax but her daughter didn't.
I know how to clean a house. I couldn't say our home wasn't always spotless but we never lived in squalor.
I heard people complain that they felt like a slave to their parents but I have to say every time I was doing chores my parents didn't sit on the ass and let me be there slave they where doing some other type of chores.
I don't do much baking anymore do to work this is one thing I miss doing. But bake goods does help put on pounds. I'm trying to learn and do things in a more healthier way.
I never new any who strictly market on Saturday. I know my parents pretty much went and got food once a month.
I recall that they had a bread man and milk deliver to the house and that service was stop. My mom and dad was upset. They where trying to figure out the cost of the gas to and get these things. I don't know what they came up.
We weren't a church going family. I'm so thankful that my parent never raised me into any certain faith and never showed in prejudice to any faith not even out side of main stream religions


  1. Interesting post. So nice that you still send hand written notes. I do too, and was beginning to think I was the last person in the world who knew how to write. Good to know there are more out there!

  2. I haven't receive a handwritten letter for ages! many people are just sending emails.

  3. Wow....I only do that, just a hand-written note, with Christmas Cards. And those are getting few and far between these past seasons.

    You do good!!

    And being 100...what a life I can only imagine.

    Thanks for visiting.

  4. we used to do certain household tasks on certain days when I was a child.

    Letter writing is a dying art in my opinion.

    Gill in Canada


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