The iris I post of my dark purple one didn’t get posted as I would of liked. Now my roses in my hodgepodge flowerbed is starting to bloom.
Sorry I haven’t been around. As some of you may know I suffer from allergy and one I suffer from is household dust. My dresser was full of dust and I dust it off with basic H. I should of wore a mask as I was dusting.
And now I’m paying the price although I’m getting better.
As I clean off my dresser and now I can’t find my last paycheck. So I been going though my dressers looking and where ever
Murphy sister Susan and her grandchildren is visiting from Illinois. So we where invited over for dinner and I brought a pasta salad witch I use Italian dressing.
Cook your pasta I actual like using spaghetti noodles cut them or break them into 2-inch length. I just eye ball it. Follow direction on package.
Let cool.
On the rest of the ingratiates you may use what you like or as amount it all up to you.
Your choices of protein
Cheese may use more then one type.
Ground beef and or ground sausage make sure the fat is well drain even use paper towel or such to pat off excess fat.
Tuna the flake type
Now your choices of veggies
On my veggie I slice them length ways into fourth and then dice them.
Same as your protein use what you want and as much as you want.
Bok Choy
Green Onions
Snap beans
Olives (drain)
If you have some other thing you would like to toss in there go right a head
Now for the dressing I though some Italian dressing. Which I just dump in to the salad and mix well though out the salad.
Now for the magic touch. Put in a good amount of salad seasoning. Most store carries something in the spice section.
Or make your own.
Seasoning and dressing is best used by taste
I think you have my blue healer! just kidding! your blog is full of such interesting comments and recipes I love them all......I'll be back as they say.