Sunday, February 03, 2008

Weather Report For January

We haven’t had a January like this since 1996-97 and actual that year we had more snow. I actual find it peaceful and warm it looks like the earth is covered with a pretty soft blanket.

The hottest day in January was on the 31st 38.7 f or 3.7 c
The coldest day in January was on the 21st –13 f or 25c
The high average for the month is 27.5 f or 2.5c
The low average for the month is 14.1 f or (opps I didn’t get it)
During the month of January it snowed 27 inches or 685.8 Millmetters

I’m a great fan of chocolate and I’m eating chocolate ice cream now but I know of two chocolate give a ways I found over at Prizey

The first thing of chocolate is being given a way by Design mom dead line is February 4th midnight PST

Mod Mom is given a way some chocolate. The chocolate she is give away is called organic fair trade chocolate this will be drawing around valentine please check for the deadline on this drawing.


  1. Your weather is amazingly similar to ours. But our snow pack is gradually being whittled away by ice storms: two last week, two coming this week. That is worrisome.

  2. Yum - I like chocolate too!


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...